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Recap; Gabe was shot on accident by Lisa. Lisa offered to help treat Gabe and brought Clementine and Gabe back to their base. The doctor got the bullet out of Gabes shoulder and is now recovering .

A/N; I desperately need a book cover my this book! Please let me know if you'll willing to make me one! :)
EDIT; Sorry for not updating! I finished riverdale (Bughead for life!) and I seriously can't wait for October! So what do I do? I rewatch the entire season 2 times .-.. that's why I haven't been focusing on this book really.

Clementine woke up from oh-so-sweet sounds of birds chirping happily, the sun shimmering through the window and the sweet smells of fresh air brushing against her skin. She felt like a Princess, Or in a fairytale. She slowly rose up from her bed to go check up on Gabe.

She quietly opened the door and saw Gabe sleeping. He looked so peaceful. "Can I help you?". She yelped and opened the door more to see the same elderly man that was treating Gabe earlier in the chair next to him. "Your friend here is pretty tough. He is healing extremely fast also". He finished wrapping new bandages around Gabes shoulder and slowly re-adjusted his seat. "I'm afraid I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Greg and I'm the doctor around here. And you ar-" "Clementine" she quickly interrupted

"Thats a nice name."

"I guess.."

Clementine sat down beside Greg but kept her gaze on Gabe - but not in a creepy way. She just wanted to see how he was doing.. that's all. "So, when will Gabe fully recover? I mean.. I don't want him to stay injured, especially knowing what can happen to him". Greg gave her a smile, "Don't worry about your friend too much, He's healing quite fast so he should be ready to go... out there again in about 2 days" he glanced over at Gabe again who was still in his deep slumber. "I just want to make sure his wound heals" he quickly added. Clementine gave a nod in response to all this. The more time they spent here, the more time AJ could be at that.. Ranch. She started thinking about everything bad that can happen to AJ the longer they waited. Oh god.. Calm down Clementine.. you're getting paranoid for no fucking reason! She thought, quickly snapping her self out of her horrible thoughts.

"You should go have some Breakfast. Danny makes a mean eggs and bacon". Greg chuckled and soon left to grab his share of breakfast. Clementine sat there for a little while after Greg left. She decided it would also be best to eat something.

As she was about to leave, she heard Gabe groan from his bed. "Morning, Clem". She turned around and gave him a grin, "Good morning, Dork". He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "So.. are you able to walk to the table and get breakfast?". Gabe slowly got up from under the blanket and sat on the bed, "I think". He got up from the bed and and slowly moved his arm in a circular motion carefully.  He groaned at the pain and bit his lip trying not to scream. "Hurts like hell.. but I can manage it".

Both of them made their way down to Breakfast and were greeted by Lisa and Danny. "Took you two long enough" Lisa said while stuffing the remaining of eggs in her mouth. Danny chuckled at her comment and continued to eat his share of breakfast. Clementine rolled her eyes at the their 'joke' and sat her self down, ignoring them. She still was pretty skeptical about Lisa, Danny, Greg and whoever else lived here. She slowly picked up her fork and took a small bite of the bacon. Damn, this is actually good.

"Clem, this is actually good!"

Clementine yelped a bit at the sudden surprise. She turned around. Gabe was sitting right next to her and grinning at her. She sighed and let out a small chuckle, "I guess".

All of them were done with breakfast. They had some small talk her and there. But one thing made Clementine really excited: Lisa had offered to help them go to McCarrol ranch. Apparently, the ranch wasn't that far away and they could make it there in a couple hours. 3 at most.

While Clementine was eager of going to find AJ, Gabe had realized something: He was weak. He always had thoughts about how he could improve his skills, tactics and other stuff, but now it hit him hard. Clementine was so badass, and he admire her for that. He also.. you could say... had a small crush on her ever since they started talking after she kinda joined their crew. But now he had to be stronger. Stronger than he has ever been before. He was outside on their 'front porch' near their small gate. He had taken off his hat due to the heat. He started at the beanie for a while, remembering how it was like before it was like before the apocalypse broke out.


"Here's your present, Mijo"

The little boy widened his eyes excitedly at the present his Father had just given him. He quickly unwrapped the papering and tossed it in the pile next to the trash bin.

He finally got the box and opened it. There laid a grey beanie.

"A-A Beanie?"

The little boy eyed the beanie carefully. He didn't exactly know why his father bought him a beanie for his birthday. Well, he was still young.

"Yeah. So when you play sports your hair won't get in your face". His father put his hand on the small boys shoulder and gave him a smile.

"Thank you, papa!"

He quickly put on the hat and turned around to face the other family members with a proud grin on his face.

"He looks so adorable! Smile for a camera!"


End of Flash back.

Gabe smiled at the memories of his birthday. He was surprised he still remembered about that birthday since he was still fairly young.

Then it hit him; the first step of becoming stronger was to not dwell in the past too long. He had to give up the one thing that was precious to him and pass it on to someone else.


He hasn't even met Aj yet. But, he knew how much Clementine cared about him. He decided he would give his beanie to AJ when they find him.

"C'mon you two, we don't have all day!"

Lisa shouted from across the house

Gabe instantly got up. He looked one more time at the beanie before he shoved it in one of his pockets inside his jacket. He zipped the pocket so the beanie wouldn't fall out.

"I'm already out here!" Gabe half shouted, but not loud enough for any walkers to hear him.

Everyone was now buckled up in the car. Ready to find AJ. Lisa started the engine and they soon took off.

They were going to see AJ again.

They were going to find him.

A/N; Hey! Sorry that this is more of a filler! I just want I guess develop Gabe and Clementines relationship? Don't worry though! It may look like that Clementine and Gabe have no chemistry, but trust me, they will. Im just trying to build their relationship before I pair them together. I will add some fluffy Gabentine soon also!

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