Chapter 16

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     Uta POV

      I had ended up fixing the mask a little differently than it was originally. I added a little bit of reinforcements and changed the colors where the hole was. I didn't change the scheme but instead of red I put black and made the other side match. Personally it looked good. And to match her outfit scheme I even added a little bit of bling around the eye holes.
    I set it down and walked out. There was nobody around and the clock said that it was around midnight. I carefully walked around the large room that had the couches and old pinball machines. There were also some updated things like and Xbox, WII U, PlayStation, and even a WII that would hade come out when Y/n was growing up. One of the original WIIs.
     After looking around I walked out of that room to where the normal area was. There were a couple people watching some movie in the living room. Two humans to be more precise. Y/n fell down the stairs. She tried to hide the F/c kakuja that was wrapped around a book but did she have a Kakuja?

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