Oh Little Bakery

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Oh little bakery

Just down the road from work

I see you every morning

And when I pass the church

Oh little bakery

As I walk the Paris streets

You are the hope inside me

And on my weary feet

Oh little bakery

How fine you seem to be

As the world runs around you

You sit there quietly

Oh little bakery

Your shelves are always trimmed

With goods in every basket

For every signal man

Oh little bakery

The smells that linger in the air

Mingle with morning dew

And make the day so fair

Oh little bakery

You never seem too tall

You never are to prideful

To let me in your walls

Oh little bakery

The treats you have in store

Pack the tall shelves and baskets

Upon the counter's board

Oh little bakery

A home to me you see

A place of peace and refuge

Where I can choose to be

Oh little bakery

You fill me with delight

And every time I pass you

You make me feel just right

Oh little bakery

You'll always be right here

Whether I am far or near

I know I'll never fear

Oh little bakery

That holds my family dear

You watch them when I am gone

And keep away their tears

Oh little bakery

When I go to slumber

Stay within my sleepy heart

And keep away the thunder

Oh little bakeryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum