Well well well...

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Well. I have not been updating like I promised. Sorry? Ok... I feel like that's going too far. I've been dealing with a lot of bullshit lately, so I'm not the happiest camper. I've made friends and lost some as well. I've played games. Had fun, even went on a goddam vacation to fucking anaheim. Some idiot named well, not gonna expose him so let's call him... Mold... idk. (Legit just spent 2 minutes coming up with that kms) (kurokocchi26544) was an ass and spammed me and if I didn't immediately join or talk to him he'd call me a dick. Anywho, my vacation summed up would be, fucking 3,000 mile road trip that was hours of driving, bleeding, and being pissed at everyone and paranoid I would be kidnapped inside of a gas station bathroom. Yay? I also got braces. Like I said, sorry for not posting. This was originally going to go up on June 22. Not August 3rd. But whatever. School starts soon. Not excited for that. -AngelicAngel- is one of my best friends, as well as layceeallynn2003, and imsojoshdunwithpuns. I hiked in the Grand Canyon.

And traveled through Los Angeles

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And traveled through Los Angeles.

Well, Nice catching up

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Well, Nice catching up. See you!

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