My dream

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hello guys it's me, so I had this dream a while ago but it's burned into my mind because it was awesome. I am eating carrots while I write this and listening to Fall Out Boy.

Here we goooooooo.....


So I was going into a concert looking place with some of best friends. We were walking in a line to our seats, my friends forced me to sit next to this guy and he looked over to me and he was like, "Hey, how old are you?"

I answered "12." which was a lie because for some reason we were 13, I found that extremely funny that I told him that I was 12. So I looked over to where my friends were suppose to be sitting but they weren't here so I started to panic.

I looked around for them and I finally found them in this kids area for kids who were like 5. I didn't even move but I some how just appeared next to one of them I am just going to call her Joe. I laughed and pointed to the guy who asked how old I was and said. "I told that guy I was 12." And again we found that really funny.

My two other friends we're sitting in a plastic ball pit fighting over something and throwing balls at each other. Then 'Joes' sister suddenly disappeared and Norman Reedus replaced her, which I am perfectly okay with.

Norman was wearing these bounty hunter sunglasses and we all stopped what we were doing and stared at him including thing one and thing two in the ball pit. He dramatically took his sunglasses off and said. "This is the zombie apocalypse, and they took your sister." And we were suddenly transported to a dark dimension with this huge castle with millions of zombie soldiers blocking the way in.

Thing one and thing two changed from being those two strange kids in the ball pit to kick ass 25 years old shooting zombies my fricken huge guns in slow motion, it was mental. Meanwhile 'Joe' and I were throwing these really sucky punches. Then I fell and hurt my leg and was just about to get bit when Norman killed the zombie and picked me up and started to fly. Yes he could fly.

He flew up to the castle windows and said, "You have to kill the king I will get the others." Then he gave me this awesome sword before he flew out the window.

I walked down the hall my heels clicking with each step I took, yes I was wearing heels. If you seen sucker punch I basically looked like one of those girls, so yeah a slut pretty much.

Well I got to the huge door to the kings room or whatever and kicked it open. I have always wanted to do that. The king was ugly and gross and yeah he was a zombie so I don't know what I was expecting. Well the zombie king was mad and tried to grab me but I cut off his fingers which just made him even more mad and some how my foot was all better now. So I jumped like really high and kicked him in the face.

After a epic fight seen I was just about to either die or kill him, because he picked me up and was about to eat me but my sword had a button on it that made it bigger so I was just about to push it and have it go through the kings eye when my mom woke me up.

Don't you hate it when that happens it makes me so mad I go into hulk mode. It was a pretty cool dream we never did find 'Joes' sister. Oh well it was awesome and Norman Reedus was in it so that's a bonus. Okay bye bye

ps if u have any questions u would like me to answer ask in the comments

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