Levys new job

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Hey guys and gals :D I've been at summer camp so I've been able o find the time to write the next part of the story. I try hard to but I work and stuff. And that I do it all for the loyal gale fans everywhere! So enjoy!
Gajeels P.O.V
I could smell the gun powder before I heard the shot itself. But before I could think my body moved on it's own and I was in front of the shrimp with my iron scales active. But instead of a bullet bouncing off it felt like being dunked in burning acid. Stuff burned more than natsu's fire but once it ate through my iron scales it was just sticky.

"Levy stay behind me!" I turned my head only to see some guy tossing her limp body over his shoulder. "Let go of her!" I tried to turn so I could punch his face in but this goo on me had hardened so he dodged it. He started to walk away with levy, I can't let this happen.

"WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS YOUR DEAD!" I shifted my waist and I could feel the shell I was in crack. He stopped and turned his head to me "she won't be harmed if she cooperates"              "She isn't coming with you to begin with!". I have most of the shell cracked and can break out any time but I can't let him know that. "GET BACK HERE YOU LAME ASS POWER RANGER!" He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face me. "yea I'm talking to you were you going comicon!" I yelled mocking his outfit.

He set levy down and started towards me, as he walked his out fit changed from a green to a dirty yellow. He was a little before arms reach and I broke out of the shell and cupped my hands. "IRON DRAGON ROOOAARR!" When suddenly he equipped a shot gun and destroyed the oncoming spell with only two shots. I charged for him putting everything into the fight so I could save levy. Levy is the only thing that matters I though as I duck under one of his high kicks. The fight lasted for only and hour until he got a lucky hit to my jaw. The hit sent me back flying into a boulder where I lost consciousness.

Flints P.O.V

After knocking him out I rested the shotgun on my shoulder. If I hadn't changed into my explosive suit I doubt I would've been able to stop him.

Dismissing my weapon I bent down to pick levy up. I like both of them,they seem like good people deep down. I didn't want to hurt them, but a jobs a job... right? As I started back to the ruins, my helmet cracked and almost shattered.

   "He keeps finding new ways to scare me" I said looking back at him.

I brought levy back to the ruins as quick as I could and instantly put on the magic draining cuffs. I dropped off my gear for repairs and left for embers room. As usual her room was covered with papers. Most likely information about the lacrima.

"Knock knock ember" I saw what looked like a mountain of papers moving and ember popped out.
"Ugh hey flint morning" she said sitting up. "Ember it's 11:00 at night"  "what I don't even remember falling asleep!"

"Did you at least eat something while I was gone?"  I saw her nervously fidget around "no".  Sighing I cleaned around until I found her pj's. Pj's that ironically had treasure chests on them.

"I got levy so we can power up the lacrima soon" I said tossing ember her pajamas. "Good I'll talk to her in the morning" she yawned.  "Ok then rest up ember" but all I heard back was snoring.  I walked back to my room hoping for a good nights rest. Only to find that alcoholic branch zavid on my bed drinking. "Zavid. . . Your making my bed smell like Booze GET OUT!"

"Hey I need to talk about something important so stop yelling already". 
I leaned against the wall and sighed hoping it wasn't one of his lame schemes. "Go on" I sighed "ember can't get her hands on this lacrima".  "What! Are you stupid!"   "Calm down flint allow me to explain". 

"You don't think all that power is gonna go to her head".   "This is ember we're talking about, knowing her she'll end up up giving it to some hospital or power facility".   "Come on flint hear me out-" no zavid I'm done with this conversation now get out of my room".  As he was walking out he stopped under the door frame "trust me ember won't be able to handle that power".   After he left I took a shower and tried not to think about what he said as I guarded levys cell. 

But my thoughts were disturbed though when I heard levy wake up in her cell. I heard her mumble a few curse words after she figured out what kind of situation she was in. I turned around so levy could see my face through the bars. "The cuffs drain magic you know"  "yea I already figured that out. So why did you kidnap me flint?"  " sorry about that under orders" I sighed. She walked up to the bars "what happened to gajeel!" She yelled at me. 

I almost forgot about him " he's safe, unconscious, but safe..".   "Gajeel will find me and you will regret ever touching me, he'll see to that".   Levy backed away from the bars and sat back down in the corner. I took the threat seriously, I take all threats seriously but I shoved the threat out of my mind as I went to bed hoping everything would go smoothly

Hey guys thanks for reading the chapter please tell me if there's anything I messed up on

My grammar is terrible, and don't be afraid to comment any ideas. I'm open to anything

*watches the credits of fairy tail, dang guess I don't actually own it*

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