Untitled Part 1

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"Trouble, you need to get out of here, now!"

I could see the look of desperation in Gabriel's eyes. I did not want to leave him, not again, "I can't!" I protested.

Gabriel shook his head before he physically shoved me away, "Sang, I mean it, go, I've got this. Call Kota, tell him what's happening!" He took off down the hall leaving me stunned.

Him pushing me away, that hurt more than anything I ever thought could. I felt my green eyes filling with tears but I brushed them away hastily knowing he had only meant to keep me safe. I reached into my bra for my phone immediately dialing Kota's number. To my surprise the phone kept ringing. Normally Kota answered within the first ring.

As I waited for Kota to answer I suddenly felt a chill down my spine and I turned to see Greg standing there. No, no this couldn't be happening!

"There you are 'Sing Song'" Greg glared at me, "Don't worry I'll be with you in a minute. Gotta take care of a little nuisance first."

Before I could open my mouth to say something in protest Greg took off in the direction Gabriel had gone as well. My eyes widened and I very nearly dropped my phone, "Wait stop!" I rounded the corner just as I heard a gunshot echo throughout the halls of the school. What greeted me made my eyes widened in shock. Greg was standing over Gabriel's now limp body and he was pointing the gun at me.

"Say, bye bye 'Sing Song'" Greg spoke before his finger squeezed the trigger.

I was frozen in fear, and all I could hear besides the gunshot was a faint voice that sounded like Kota's.

"Sang! Sang! Wake up!"

My green eyes immediately flew open and for a moment I couldn't tell where I was. Suddenly my heart began to ache, "No, no! Gabriel Gab-" my voice cracked all together and I opened my mouth to talk again only to find I couldn't. My voice was a rasp at best and made my throat ache to even attempt it. It was only then did I realize I must have been crying out in my sleep. I glanced around Kota's room frantically trying to find, Meanie. But he was nowhere to be found. At that moment my heart wrenched and the tears started to flow.

Kota kneeled down next to me and tried to pull me into his arms. Any other time I would have welcomed his embrace, but it wasn't his I needed. I needed Gabriel. I needed to see him.

Kota didn't seem phased by my rejection, only looked me in they eyes with those green orbs of his. "Sang, sweetie, what do you need?"

"She needs Gabriel." North spoke having stepped from where I guessed was the bathroom. He walked over and knelt on the bed, "You had a nightmare about him didn't you Sang Baby?"

I nodded not bothering to even voice my answer.

"He didn't hurt you in your dream did he?" North asked.

My eyes widened in shock. How could North even think such a thing could happen? I shook my head rapidly and searched for a way to tell them what had happened.

Once again Kota knew what I needed and retrieved a pen and paper, "Go ahead and write it down. You're phone's still charging."

I accepted the paper and pen gratefully before jotting down the details of my dream. As I thought back to the details I realized I hadn't been sure what had been happening before. All I knew was Gabriel had been targeted again and I couldn't leave him. Once I was finished I showed it to them and immediately after reading it they exchanged one of those ever-familiar glances.

Kota pulled out his phone and dialed Gabriel's number. After so many rings he hung up, "Damn it, I forgot his was broken."

"He's staying over at Nathan's isn't he?" North asked.

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