KHC Sequel [Chapter 2]

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Chapter Two


Three years later

"Theodore Dane Silva, come back here immediately!" Noelle sighed when she heard his mischievous laugh echo throughout the house. She had Ivy on one hip, sobbing, while she was trying to find her little devil child. Granted, Ivy was no angel either, but that's normal for a three year old. "Theo!" she yelled again.

"He bitted me mommy!" Ivy wailed, sucking on her injured hand. "It hurted!"

"I know sweetie," Noelle sighed, "but you're the one who asked him to show you how sharp his teeth were."

Ivy sniffled pathetically and let another tear fall. "I just wanted to know if his teeth were as sharp as mine. He didn't hafta bite me."

Noelle gave Ivy a sharp look, "You bit him first Ivy Claire." Ivy had the good grace to look abashed, but she didn't stop the tears from falling. In fact she started sobbing harder when Raine entered the room.

"Daddy!" she sobbed.

Raine took Ivy from Noelle and wiped away her tears, "Princesses don't cry, silly girl. What's wrong?" He kissed her hand when she held it out to him, claiming to have a boo-boo. "Theo!" he bellowed, knowing his son was responsible for part, if not all, of this situation.

"How come you always side wif her?" his son whined, as he trudged into the room. He had a problem with pronouncing the 'th' sound, which made it a problem for saying his name. However, he hadn't let it bother him yet, so neither Noelle nor Raine was worried. They figured he would grow out of it, like every other child. "It's not fair! I didn't do nuffin wrong!" He glared mulishly at Ivy who stuck her tongue out. "She's just a stupid girl anways."

"Now Theo," Raine reprimanded, "your sister is not stupid. I thought I taught you better than that. Women are to be respected, no matter what. Understood?" Theo mumbled something under his breath, so Raine nudged him lightly. "What was that?"

"Nuffin," he said, trying to keep a straight face.

"I'm not sure I heard you correctly," Raine teased, tickling his son lightly. Theo squealed and tried to run away, but Raine caught him around the waist with one hand and brought him back to his side. Ivy gave a delighted giggle and tried to help her daddy tickle Theo, but suddenly she found herself being tickled.

"Nooo!" she shrieked. "Mommy help us!" Theo and Ivy cried happily. Noelle simply laughed and watched the loves of her life laugh and roll around. Even though they were a handful, she loved her children with all of her heart.

Finn and Violet entered the room a couple minutes later with their two year old daughter, Alexia. "What is going on in here?" Finn asked with a smile.

Two heads popped up and broke into ear-splitting grins, "Unca Finn!" they laughed, running to tackle Finn. He laughed heartily and patted them on the head.

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