Chapter 5

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"There's no sign of concussion," the doctor says after shining a light in my eyes and making me follow it with my eyes. Liam had brought me to the hospital while I was asleep and they've ran multiple tests. "There's nothing that we can find to have caused memory loss," he says.

"So, what do we do?" Liam asks from beside me, Jasmine was at Harry's.

"The best thing would probably be to keep going through life and hopefully she'll remember," he says.

Liam nods, holding my hand and the doctor leaves. "We can't tell anyone," I say as soon as the door closes.

"Why not?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me, obviously confused on why I would want to keep acting like I know everything that's going on.

"If we say something the media is going to get ahold of it and twist everything. Just don't tell anyone," I say.

"They're going to find out Christina," he says and I shake my head no.

"I'll figure something out, just please don't tell anyone," I say.

"Okay, I won't," he says and kisses my head.

I smile up at him,"okay now let's go," I say getting up.

We both walk out to the car and I get in the passenger seat. Thankfully it was about one in the morning so most people were asleep. I think that's mostly the reason Liam decided to go now instead of in the morning.

"My head hurts from the light," I say giggling a bit, mostly from being tired.

He chuckles and drives to our house," what about Jasmine?" I ask.

"Harry said we could just pick her up in the morning," he says and I nod getting out of the car and going inside.

"Are you sure I didn't hit my head?" I ask him sitting at the kitchen counter.

"One hundred percent," he says and sits beside me.

I look up at him while he's messing with his phone. He looks a lot different than I remember. He is clean shaven and a few new tattoos. One was of a music note on his shoulder," What's that one stand for?" I ask pointing to it.

He chuckles, amused at my sudden curiosity of his tattoos all of a sudden," you don't remember?" he asks and I roll my eyes. "I heard you singing when I had gotten home earlier than I was suppose to. I walked in on you singing and you quickly stopped. You never sing in front of me because you feel like you're horrible when in reality I don't know why you aren't a singer. Anyways, I got the music note to remind me never to just believe what people say because it may not be true, but to believe what you hear and see for yourself," he says dazing off into the memory.

I was actually jealous that he could remember it. I may never know of it again, but he can relive it in his head anytime he wants to and he smiles while thinking of it. How many memories like that don't I remember? It just doesn't seem fair that only half of the people there get to remember that day. The last 10 or so years even. How many kisses in the rain, dancing to silence, late night talks about why we are even on Earth, pointless fights, and wrestling matches, won't I remember?

I'm starting to sound really corny.. maybe we haven't had any of that. Maybe we are just a really boring couple and don't do all that stuff maybe- "Well I'm going to go to bed. Are you coming?" Liam asks interrupting my train of thought.

"Yeah," I say yawning and standing up.

He chuckles and picks me up bridal style, carrying me to the bedroom. He lays me down and lays beside me closing his eyes. I'm already almost asleep, cuddled into his chest as I hear him say," I hope you remember soon," he says and kisses my head as I fall completely asleep.

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