Chapter 3

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        On my sixth birthday, we had planned this huge party. I could invite my friends from school! I was so  happy. I helped my mother plan out everything. I helped pick out the cake. It would be chocolate with pink sprinkles, in the shape of a heart. I helped put the streamers up. I helped pick out a dress. Everything was perfect!
        On the day of the party, I practically woke up bouncing up and down. "Party Party Partyyyy!" I sang as I danced around my room. Eventually my mother came in, helped me get dressed, and whispered," Happy Birthday my big girl! Six years old already!"
     I don't really remember much after that, I was in a cake coma, my mother called it. I do remember, however, waking up in the middle of the night to hear yelling. I stood up and walked over to my bedroom wall and put my ear against it. Mommy and Daddy were arguing again. Little did I know back then what that meant.

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