Chapter 5

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(Your POV)

I looked among the cars as I sat. I didn't have much at all so I had to try. I got up and began to walk to the store. I was able to look like I went to a good school though, despite that being because that was that was what my mom forced me into. The rain hit my head gently as the small taps filled my ears. I was almost out of the alley before someone began choking me. I looked down and there was a knife to my throat. I was so scared, I did nothing. My friends at school said that I looked like a super model so he could be a rapist. But he's wasn't. My vision began to fade, until a older man saved me, I watched as the man with the knife was being beaten into the pavement and ran. I ran all the way to Mt. Ebott.


I woke up with a jolt, remembering the reason I came here. It wasn't only the stupid bullies, it was that. I curled up into a ball on my bed and stayed quiet. It was somewhat calming. I sighed and sat up, looking at the time. It was 5 in the morning but I was wide awake. I got out of bed and headed to Sans' room. I put my head to the door and he was still sound asleep. I decided to let him and I went to the kitchen.

There was lots of ingredients for hot dogs and hot cats but I found more ingredients for (pancakes/omelets). I found the idea egg-cellent (Sorry not sorry) I began to mix the ingredients with the whisk and heated up the stove. I found a big plate to place them on when they were done. I poured the mix into the pan and waited. As soon as I thought it was ready, I flipped it, making it perfectly. Once I finished the (pancakes/omelettes) I placed them on two separate plates and set the table. Once set, I took out a bottle of ketchup for Sans and got myself (favorite breakfast drink).

Once the clock ticked 5:30 and I finished setting everything up, including a bouquet of flowers from the garden, Sans came in. He looked surprised and impressed at my abilities. "wow kid, you didn't have to". "Nonsense, you have helped me feel great in life and made me feel like I mean something. I am more then happy to make you breakfast".

"thanks kiddo" he said. I nodded in response and sat down. "I also intend to do your morning chores, I will not take no for an answer". "kid, you really don't have to" "You helped me, you deserve a break". Sans sighed "okay kiddo, thank you".

I really loved Sans, not as a father but as something more. Besides, he didn't deserve father title, your father was a rich man who abondand you and your mom. With later research you found he was using his money to help terrorists. Something the law somehow wasn't aware of. You kept thinking while you ate, the meal melting in your mouth from the taste.

(Sans POV)

(Y/n) is twenty, I'm twenty one. I feel something for her, I love all my children but, she has a different type of feeling I don't understand. I feel like I want to spend my life with her, to always feel her against me, to always know she trusts me. It would be nice to have that, but that most likely won't happen.


(Your POV)

I finished up Sans' chores and wipes the sweat off my brow. The chores were normally easy for normal houses, but some rooms were messier than others. I sat down on my bed after changing my clothes. You slowly let sleep take hold of you.

(Sans POV)
I came back quietly into the house, when I left for the store she was working on my chores. I figured she'd be done by now so I opened her door to find her asleep. I had got her clothes, drawing supplies, (favorite book series), a phone, and a Wi-Fi router, whatever that was. I set the items on her bed side dresser and went to set up the Wi-Fi.

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