It's not easy raising a child {part 26}

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-1 year later-


"Hey, Kaito, lunch is ready!" I shouted from down stairs. I prepared the plates while he walked down carrying C/N. I cooked my favorite dish and we had small talks during the meal. Kaito stood up still carrying C/N."Thanks Y/N."

Kaito sat in the couch. You got up aswell, "Kaito, I'll just have to feed C/N first. Can you wash our dishes for now?" He nodded and lend you C/N. You fed him milk from... (You know...) and tried to make him sleep. 

After hours of singing lullabies. He finally slept and you sat down in exhaustion. 


'Raising a child wasn't as easy as I thought' I said to myself. I was watching in the TV until someone called me, "Y/N!" I quickly ran upstairs and heard C/N crying. "I don't know what to do so I called you." 

You sang more and he went back to sleep. You sighed. As you were looking at him, two arms wrapped you from behind. He buried his cheeks in your head. You smiled and suggested, "Do you want ice cream?" 

Kaito's POV:

She faced me, smiling. I gladly accepted, "Sure!" We went downstairs and got ice cream from the freezer. You both sat down in the table and talked for a while, "Hey Y/N, aren't you tired from all those work? I mean you do almost all the chores and you also take care of C/N." 


I replied, "Yes, it's tiring. But seeing his smile takes away all my stress." We finished our ice cream, and watched some anime. Suddenly, it rained. I didn't care about it until I realized, "Oh crap! The window!"

Kaito's POV:

She ran upstairs and closed the windows immediately. After that, we continued watching.

-years later-


My eyes were shut tight until someone tickled me. I said still half asleep, "Stop." I smiled. "Wake up Y/N, it's your birthday! I opened my eyes fully and I was greeted by a kiss. He let go of it and I hugged him. "Thank you." 

You heard the door banged open,"Mommy! Mommy! Happy birthday!" You heard C/N while jumping on top of you and Kaito. You and Kaito looked at him with warm smiles. "Mommy! I made this for you." He gave you a card. 

Kaito's POV:

She got the card and read it. After she was done, she smiled at C/N, "Thank you C/N! This is a very wonderful gift. It touched my heart." Y/N hugged him. I said, "Hey, it can't be only him that has a gift." 

Kaito ordered you to close your eyes and you did. Kaito carried C/N and got something out of the drawer. He sat beside you, "Now open them." You were shocked of what you saw, "Are you serious! We're going, NOW?" 


Kaito replied, "Yes we're going now. I know how much you and C/N love amusement parks so I did my best to find the best amusement park in Japan." I hugged him, "Thank you!" 

Kaito let go of the hug and smiled at you, "Yeah, so it means you have to get ready now." You rushed to the bath tub and took a warm bath. You got dressed in a simple, casual outfit. You put on really light make up, and came out of the bathroom. 


I was greeted by Kaito with C/N. They were both ready. Kaito stared at me for a while and he finally said, "You look beautiful." C/N joined him and said, "Yes mommy!" I wondered why. I looked so casual and I didn't put that much makeup. 

Kaito drove off and you finally reached the park.

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