Hold Him Close

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The sun slowly filters into the barn, waking you up from the most comfortable sleep you've had since you started this journey.

You joined the company when they came to Rivendell and you have traveled with them long enough for Thorin to accept you even though you were an elf.

As you start to gain your senses back, you feel an arm wrapped around your waist and you smile, turning to face the youngest Durin.

He immediately caught your attention and you his. He wasn't like the other dwarves. He was sweet and kind and didn't have a lot of facial hair which was very attractive to you. His uncle and brother also fell under those categories, but he was the one you fell for. You just couldn't help it.

You kiss his nose and he twitches before pulling you closer.

"Just five more minutes," Kili mutters, causing you to giggle. You look up as Thorin passes by. He looks down at the both of you and smiles before shaking his head.

He had easily accepted your relationship with Kili. You kept it hidden from him for a few weeks until he caught the both of you kissing each other goodnight. He didn't really care because you made Kili happy and that's all he cared about.

"Kili, wake up," you say, squeezing his side. He laughs a little before opening his eyes. "Don't touch the merchandise," he says, playfully glaring at you.

You laugh and give him another squeeze. He lets out a high pitched giggle and you laugh as well.

"I can touch all the merchandise I want," you reply.

You hear a few groans.

"You guys are both disgusting. Shut up and go back to sleep," Fili complains and you and Kili laugh.

Kili presses a kiss to your forehead before the two of you go back to sleep.

"Kili!" You cry out, not being able to see your dwarf as the elves of Mirkwood gather you up.

You knew that you were going to be captured by the spiders. There was word going around Imladris about the woods getting more and more dangerous. Others had brushed it off, saying it was a hoax, but you knew deep down inside that it wasn't.

You hear screaming and you try to move towards the source but another elf stops you. You glare at him, but he doesn't move from his position.

You pray that Kili comes out safely and he does. You make your way over to him, checking him over for wounds.

"Are you alright Kili?" you ask.

Kili nods, but he seems to be distracted. You follow his eyeline and you find a very beautiful Silvan elf at the end of it, causing you to frown. She had very beautiful, long red hair and you thought she was absolutely gorgeous and if you thought that then you were pretty sure Kili thought that as well.

You try to shake off the hurt as you watch Kili stare at the red head.

Elf or not, you are shoved into the cells with the rest of the company. You didn't understand why King Thranduil was locking all of you up.

Where Lord Elrond was inviting to the dwarves, King Thranduil was cold. You knew that some kind of beef existed between Thorin and Thranduil, but you didn't know what and you didn't want to know.

You take a seat on the ground, staring out at the the scenery below. Why did they have dungeons? That's the thing that bothered you the most. IT was so different compared to Rivendell it was ridiculous.

"Aren't you going to search me?" you hear Kili say and you realize he is being placed in the cell directly across from yours.

"I could have anything down my trousers."

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