kiss me at midnight chapter 5

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so i arrived home the house was dark everyone was alredy asleep . i layed on my bed just thinking how the heck am i gonna tell Landon about this like he is just so deeply in love with her that im scared that he wont believe me but im his best friend so he might but im not sure , but i have to . i was still there thinking bout Zack to and how he acted with no worries he was just so sweet tonight when he kissed me but i dont know if i feel the same way like some of the feelings are gone but i still love him he was the second guy that stole my heart and we have been together longer than the last boyfriend that i had . all of the sudden i didnt realize and i fell asleep with my close on and everything. ...

next morning i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock at 6am i got ready to school i was still sleepy i grabbed my backpack and i didnt even told mom i left i still didnt have my car so i walked to school the weathe was cloudy very windy and about to rain i was getting frustrated because thanks to th wind my hair was on my face and when im sleepy its annoying then a car pulls ovr neside me and honks i look over to see Jay with Nick making a sign for me to get in i got in and Jay started talking about why i was walking alone in a cold weather like this but her voice faded as i fell asleep in her car ~dream~ i opened my eyes and i was facing the sky i sit and i see Jay, Nick, Zac and Landon all laughig out loud i stooded up to go to where they were i dont know but at that moment i felt the urge to tell Landon that Alicia was cheating on him so i grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the others " Landon , Alicia is ..." i mouthed but it was like if i was on mute "what?" he said "i said Alicia is ...." there was something that didnt let me say it suddenly the skies were turning gray very fast i could hear thunder very loud thunder and wind starte to blow very hard "[what?" he screamed "Alicia is ..." and again with the mute the earth started to shake and Landon was each second more far away and far away "what?: "Alicia is CHEATING ON YOU" i finally said it ~dream~ i woked up all of the sudden breathing heavily when i looke to the side i notice Jay and NIck looking at me as if i was a weirdo

"what?" i said fixing my hair . they look at each other

"You have the weirdest dreams" Jay said laughing

"what did you hear?"

"for the last 15 minutes all we could hear was alicia is cheating on you " Nick said

"is it true?" Jay asked

"yes but dont tell anybody"

"we wont " Nick said

"are you planning to tell him?"Nick said

"i dont know but i think i will "

we got out of the car and went inside the scholl i was walking to my locker then i see Landon iat the end of the hallway i started walking more faster to go and tell him i was like 10 feet away from him when all of the sudden Alicia comes out of the nowhere and grabs him and they start making out right in front of my face that makes me sick watching my almost brither making out with a slut . i turned around and left . the bell rang and we went to class i was trying to talk to him the first two periods but it was impossible since the teachers were very bitchy today . the bell rang thanks for lunch i was going to talk to him now before he left the classroom but he was in a rush he left so fast then he was nowhere to be found . at lunch in our table i couldnt be still looking everywhere for him but he was nowhere . in the distance i could see Alicia flirting with Jake brushing his hair and that made me more deperate into find Landon to tell him now . bell rang and we were all in the clasroom apperantly all the teachers were bitchy today giving us too much work, or pop quiz and exams and i didnt had a chance to talk to him at recess i saw him again talking to his friends in the hallway i was walking looking everywhere for no distractions but all of a sudden i was pulled by my arm it was Zac . oh gosh really when i am so close something just comes and ruins it

"hey i havent seen you all day" he said putting his arms around my waist

" umm i was a little busy" i said trying to look over his shoulder to where Landon was

"uuhh can u hold that thought Zac please ? i kissed him a little peck" went back to the hallway to find that Landon was not there

"shit" i whispered


the day ended and now was time to go home he was no where to be found


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2010 ⏰

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