Chapter 7: Excuse Me While I Hyperventilate

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[AN: I am ridiculously obsessed with my own story. This chapter is dedicated to the amazing sassmax who created the character of Hope. I hope you enjoy what I've done with her!]

Zayn kept marching forward even as the path twisted deeper and deeper off the main road. He had hoped that the walk would help to clear his head, but it hadn’t done anything. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He paused on the pathway and shook his head hard. Nope. Still there. He couldn’t seem to get Autumn out of his head. Sure, she was pretty, but it was more than that. He always fought with her because he enjoyed her company. He slumped down on an old rock and sighed. So he had a crush on Autumn. So what? He wasn’t going to do anything about it. She and Louis were perfect together. He could never break them up.

“I’m a right mess that’s for sure,” he mumbled to himself. He looked up at the darkening sky. “I should probably head home.” He stood and started walking back up the path. It took him ten minutes before he realized that he was lost.  He pulled out his cell phone only to discover that he had no cell service. “Bloody hell.”

“Are you okay?” a perky voice called out. He darted around unsure where the voice had come from. “Up here!” When he looked up he was sure he was imagining things. Up in the tree was a young woman who looked just like Autumn peering down at him. She jumped from the tree and stood holding out her hand for him to shake. “I’m Hope. And you are?”

“Zayn,” he stuttered. He looked into gray eyes that were identical to Autumn’s. Was he hallucinating?

“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I’m sorry,” he said with a shrug. “You just look like this friend of mine. You could be twins.”

“Really?” Hope asked with a big smile. “Do you like this friend of yours?”

“W-why do you ask that?”

“Because you’re blushing. A lot.”

“Um,” Zayn said looking around for a change of topic. “I’m kind of lost. Maybe you can help?”

“Sure. Why are you this far off the path?” she asked walking forward and motioning for him to follow. “I’m usually the only person this far out here.”

“I was thinking about something, and I guess I kind of lost track of where I was going.”

“You were thinking about that friend of yours.”

“Is that really any of your business?”

“Well, if you want I can just leave you to find your way out on your own.” Zayn scowled.

“Fine,” he groused. “I was thinking about her. Or rather trying to stop thinking about her.” Hope stopped in her tracks and turned back to him.

“Why would you try to forget about her?”

“Because she already has a boyfriend.”

“So what? I say if you like her you should go for it. No one ever got anywhere sitting on the sidelines.”

“Her boyfriend is one of my best mates. They’re perfect for each other.”

“Perfect is overrated. The best love songs aren’t about a perfect love. The good ones are about messy, complicated love. Have you ever heard ‘I Wish’ by One Direction? Now that’s a love song that rocks. It’s a perfect depiction of longing.” Was this girl kidding? He hadn’t bothered to disguise himself at all when he had left Harry and Louis’ flat. Did she not know who she was talking to?

“Yeah,” he said softly. “I’ve heard it.”

“They’re my favorite band. Hey, I just realized something. Your name is Zayn just like this one member of One Di—“ she broke off and turned in shock as they reached the main road. She could see his face clearly now from the light of the streetlamp.  “Holy crap. You’re Zayn from One Direction.”

Waited For A Girl Like You: A One Direction Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now