Chapter 1- The bodies

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(Ok so this is my first book fill free to comment and vote I hope you like it and please wait until I tell you to play the song thanks love you kawaii out.)
I pull into the driveway of my boyfriends house his car is here and so is my best friend Stella's. I wonder if there hanging out? I walked up the front do only to find it opened a little and all the lights on. He must have known I was coming he's the best boyfriend ever! I walked up stairs only to hear strange noises as I walked up to his room I see something that pushed me over the edge"Oh my god Blake I love you so much I could do this all day!""I love you so much more Stella I could do this forever " my boyfriend Blake said to her as he kissed her on the mouth while they "did it" on his bed. By now I was mad and had tears coming down my face"How could you especially on Valentine's Day and to think I got you Bruno Mars tickets, your an asshole you know that after all these years you do this on the one day I decide hey let me get my boyfriend something nice to show how much I love him." They both look at me wide eyed "Elena it's not what you think." "Oh really it's not what I think ok let me tell you what I think I think my boyfriend has been cheating on me with my best friend for a week and that they think I'm stupid and haven't realized the signs that I was being cheated on because I have I've noticed the perfume,lipstick on the shirt, and don't even get me started on the looks you to give each other." " Oh then it's exactly what it looks like." Stella said as they began to put clothes on."Babe I'm really sorry please forgive me?" Blake said pulling me into a hug looking i sniffed his shirt and after I smelled Stella's perfume on him all I saw was red.
Time skip bc I'm to tired to write a kill scene sorry but it's 2:53 and I'm tried so yeah anyway back to the book!
I looked around and saw two bodies laying on the bed both dead and life less oh shit I did it again I have to clean this place up I got the cleaning supplies the closet I cleaned the floors and the walls with bleach and washed the sheets thank god they were red already. After that I put the bodies inside trash bags and dragged them outside to my car thank goodness no one was around they were probably still asleep since it was 9pm, I put both bodies in my trunk and drove to the animal shelter's ally(play video now) "you have a nice voice"someone said in a husky Italian accent. I turned around and came face to face with a Greek god omg!!!!he's so cute wait don't get sidetracked you still have to take out "the trash." "Thanks I got it from my mom so what can I help you with today." I said in my nice voice"I need to know where Blake Gilbert is and don't try and lie and say i don't know him because I know your his girlfriend." I started smiling but I looked at him at started laughing "oh*laugh*my*laugh*god you actually think I'm still his girlfriend after what he did to me that was a good one!" I said as I wiped a tear that side down my cheek from laughing"Look I just want to know where he is then I can be on my way." I looked at him nodding "okay I'll tell you where he." I said throwing the body of Blake Gilbert into the dumpster "But it's a secret so come close" The man leaned in "he's closer then you think" I whispered into his ear then walked away. While he looked at me like I had three heads.
Sebastian's POV before he meets Elena
"Okay do we have anymore people we have to collect money from boss?" Dylan said walking into my office with me and we sat down"yeah Blake Gilbert he owes us 12k and he still hasn't given it to us and today was his last day to give it to us." I told him as the others walked in" hey boss" the three said as they sat across from us"hey are you guys ready to go because I'm going with you on this collection I need to make sure we have all the money?" Mummers of yes' went around "all right we are doing things differently for this collection." I said to them they all looked at me waiting to hear the plan "I'll go in and get the money but if he doesn't give it willingly then I'll call you guys and we can either kill him or get the money." They all nodded their heads "great" as we pulled up to his house I got a bad feeling about this"ok boss we're here"all right when I say go come in to the house got it and watch guard I don't need the police after me"  I stepped out of the car and walked to the door I rang the doorbell 5 times I got tired of waiting so I kicked it open I looked around and searched for a light switch I felt something and flipped it my eyes had to adjust to the light I looked around everything seems quite a little to quite for my liking I thought to myself I walked around the whole house and found his bed room. I walked in only to be hit with the faint smell of bleach I walked around his room and found something I wasn't pleased with I found blood and blood+bleach=dead or missing ,"guys get in here there's something we need to check on" I heard the front door open and footsteps the bed room door opened in came Dylan,Aaron,Aiden,and Mason. "What's up boss?" Do you smell bleach?" Yay why?" Well what do blood and bleach have in common?" Ummm someone's dead or their kid napped."Right" And I think we have are first lead." I said pointing at the photo of him and some girl" Hey I know that girl she works at the animal shelter downtown" We all looked at Aiden giving him the how did you know that look" I was getting lonely so I looked into getting a puppy and if your wondering I'm getting a baby pit bull and naming him Spark." We all got into are cars and drove to the shelter.
Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter

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