Chapter 2

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Jinyoung opened his eyes slowly. The sun blinding him from in between the cracks on the blinds in the room. Which wasn't his.

Jinyoung shot up into a sitting position, his eyes widening as he looked around the room. It was lighter, and cleaner than his own room. His eyes rolling over every feature until they landed on a lump on the bed. He gasped, quickly scrambling away from the body next to him. Calming down when he saw Mark's sleeping face. He let out a small breath of relief and moved closer to the older. He watched as the older man took shallow breaths, his eyes remained closed; his lips slightly parted to release the small breath.

He doesn't remember anything about last night, especially getting into Mark's bed. Which wasn't too baㅡ

"Why are you watching me, jagi?" Mark asked. Jinyoung swallowed at the nickname, he didn't think Mark even thought about the words that. He felt like Mark himself  knew what the answer to that nickname would beㅡand he prepared himself for it. He knew the exact reaction he would get too, but he went on anyway. It aggravated Jinyoung. It made him so angry, frustrated is more of the word. 

"J-jagi?" He asked watching the older's eyes flutter open slowly. He looked up to Jinyoung with a gaze the younger couldn't read. Jinyoung turned his head towards the window. Feeling uneasy and hot. What's with him? He asked himself, trying his hardest to gather whatever he could from last night; but nothing came. (besides mark)

He heard shifting on the bed before turning his head back. The older's face was so close to his. He didn't pull away, or even move an inch. But before he could Mark held the back of Jinyoung's head, pushing him until their lips met. Jinyoung's eyes went wide as the older held his hand on his head. Moving his own lips against Jinyoung's own. But he didn't pull away.

It was so unexpected. Jinyoung freaked out for a moment. Struggling to understand what the actual  fuck he'd gotten himself into last night. When Mark pulled away and sucked in a breath Jinyoung took it as his cue to leave.

"Yah! What the hell Mark!?" Jinyoung yelled moving off the bed, almost tripping in the process. He touched his lips and backed away a few feet. 

Mark stayed in his position, his hands dropped to the bed, a disappointed look on his face. There was something in his expression that Jinyoung thought Mark would have known the reaction like he'd thought from the beginning. 

Mark didn't look up at the younger, his eyes lying on his still hands. 

"You, Youㅡ"

"You what Jinyoung!" Mark yelled, scaring Jinyoung. "You're disgusting? You're dumb? You shouldn't have done that?" The anger visible in his voice as the older turned a deep red from anger. 

"I've heard it all." His words were less confident, his eyes filled with tears as he yelled. "Just get out." The words came out no more than a whisper.

Jinyoung hated himself in that moment. No. He hated Mark. He hated Jaebum. He hated Youngjae. He hated everything. He was left confused. 

Jinyoung opened his mouth and took a step closer to Mark. His hand reaching out to rest on the older's cheek, but was only swatted away. 

"I said get out!" He let out a choked yell. The tears that were in his eyes, were being held by every ounce the older had. And Jinyoung could tell, he could always tell. 

Jinyoung felt anger arise in him, but it was all eaten away by the fear and hurt he felt. He didn't understand why he felt so hurt, but that only melted with all the other feelings he had running through him in that moment. One of them being disgust. Not with Markㅡbut with himself. 

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