Chapter 15

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Chloe’s POV

“Hey Paige. It’s me again. And by me I mean Chloe. But, I guess you don’t need any clarification since I’ve called you like 19 times already. And now I’m just mumbling, sorry. So, um, call me back as soon as you get this and if you don’t get it within the next hour then I guess I’ll see you at dance. Bye.” I stated awkwardly into the phone. I was secretly hoping that she lost her phone after the competition, but I knew that wasn’t the case. Paige passed being mad at me and went straight to ignoring me. She didn’t acknowledge my existence for the entire weekend, which made it ten times harder to apologize and make everything better again. The night at the hotel, when she caught me with Josh, I swear it was like she was looking right through me, like I was a ghost.

Oh god, Josh. I check my phone only to find another text from Josh asking me how I am or telling me how he wants to talk. My phone reminds me I have 5 unopened messages along with 2 missed calls and 1 voicemails from him. I stopped reading and listening to them all when I came back home. Every voicemail was painful. Every text added onto the massive amount of guilt on my shoulders. He was a walking reminder of my betrayal and my selfishness and the last thing I wanted to do was to deal with him. It’s ironic how I’m ignoring a Hyland while another Hyland is ignoring me. Why don’t I just bring Brooke into that mix and make it a Hyland affair? I chuckled bitterly to myself as I started to prepare for dance. Of course I was anxious for pyramid. Kendall placed 4th for her solo and Maddie placed 2nd. Abby was livid. But, I was more anxious to see Paige. I couldn’t tell if it was anxious excited or anxious nervous. It was probably a mixture of both. Either way, she’d finally have to face me and we’d talk and she’d forgive me and all would be right in the world.

“Chlo, we need to leave.”

I grabbed my bag and skipped down the steps, curiously asking on my way to the kitchen, “Don’t I still have ten minutes?”

“Technically, yes. However, if we left in ten minutes then you’d be arriving just on time. This way you’ll be there early.”

I gave my mom a puzzled expression, than asked, “May I asked why I need to be there early?”

“The only winning numbers at the competition were the group dance and the duet. Which means that either you or Paige is going to be on the top of the pyramid. If you go in early and stretch, Abby will see how dedicated you are and put you on the top.” My mother explained nonchalantly on her way out the door. I briskly followed her.

“I thought you didn’t care where I was placed on the pyramid.”

“I don’t Chlo, but you have a really high chance for a solo this week. If you’re on the top then Abby will have to give you a solo.” I gave a heavy sigh.

“You don’t care if I get a solo, you just don’t want Paige to have one.”

My mom displayed a mock-expression of horror. “Chloe Elizabeth Lukasiak, I can’t believe you would even think that.”

“Fine then, you don’t want Kelly’s kid to get a solo.” My mom fell silent and fit her keys into the ignition, leading to a very awkward car ride.

When we finally pulled into the studio my mom said, “I need to pick up Clara at her play date. I’ll be back by pyramid. Please, just get in there and stretch. Regardless of what you think, I do want this for you, Chloe.”

 “Bye, mom.” I, simply, replied as I slipped out of the car and onto the rocky ground. Just, as her car turned the corner onto the highway, a familiar face peeked out from the side of the building. “Shoot.” I huffed to myself.

“Chloe.” He whisper-screamed from across the parking lot.

“Josh, what are you doing here? You need to leave.” I hissed, trudging towards the woodsy area that hugged the studio’s left side.

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