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We came out of our vans and cars in the bucket loads at midnight. S.W.A.T and many other agents filing outside this abandoned building. Fully loaded guns of different calibres ready to be fired. Kaplan walked over to me with a bulletproof vest in his hand. He passed it to me and I took it from him. "Do you think he's in here?" I questioned curiously as I put the vest on.

"He has to be," He responded. "We tracked his movements to he-"

The sound of a blood-curdling scream from inside the building grabbed the attention of everyone. "We do this, now," Avi spoke with determination as we all ran into position. I ran to one side with a group of S.W.A.T and so did Avi.

We waited till the area was full of silence. "On my cue, we go in," Avi crept over to me. "Hoying, are you ready?" I nodded, holding my gun in position. He ran back to his side. "Snipers, ready?" He spoke into his communication device.

He signalled to me. My group and I ascended began walking up the staircase. We reached a floor and nothing was there. I turned my flashlight and looked on the ground. There was a trail of fresh blood on the ground. I followed it all the way, but it ended by a wall. I looked up at the ceiling or what remained of a ceiling. I looked as though it was ready to fall.

Before I could analyse it, the sound of footsteps grabbed my attention. I looked in the direction of the noise, holding my gun ready to fire. Avi raised his hand in defence and I sighed in relief.

I felt something drip onto my head. I looked back up and saw a wet bloodstain with blood ready to fall. I moved away from it before it could drip onto me again. I pointed up and Kaplan, along with his group, went back up the stairs.

My group rotated and went back up the steps. A cry came from a room at the top of the stairs. I ran up as fast as I could. I reached the top and saw Avi up there too.

We walked over together trying not to make any noise. I crept over to the door and stood by it. "Ready?" He whispered and I nodded.

I got into position. "Three, two, one," Avi counted down. I kicked down the door and watched it fall. "Freeze, FBI," Avi shouted diverting the man's attention.

The man rushed over to the injured girl. I looked over at her and my heart sank. No matter how many times I do this job, I can never prepare myself enough for what we may encounter.

This young girl was blindfolded and bruised badly. Her arms were cut deep. One of them was still bleeding profusely. She screamed as he held a knife to her neck. "D-Don't come any closer or I'll kill her." He shouted angrily. Avi took a step forward and aimed my gun at the man.

"Mr Rogers put the weapon down and let her go free," He began to slowly put his gun back in his holster. He put his arms up in defence. "I'm not going to shoot you, just hand me the girl?"

"No!" He shouted holding the knife closer to her neck. "Why should I?" He frantically questioned.

"Think about your daughter, Mr Rogers," Avi sympathised with him. "She needs a father. You can't be her father behind bars,"

I looked at the girl. She was becoming limp, bleeding out. "She's not looking too good, Mr Rogers," I spoke and his attention turned to me. "Let her go," He looked down at her and saw her weak body. "Let her go," I demanded, holding out my hand.

I could see the internal conflict in his face. He released her with a groan and she nearly fell onto the ground. I grabbed her and to her over to the S.W.A.T. "Get her to a medic," I commanded they took her down.

Avi began walking towards him with his handcuffs out. As he got closer, Mr Rogers knocked Avi down to the ground. He landed with a thud. Mr Rogers looked at me and charged at me. Avi grabbed a hold of his leg making him fall to the floor.

The floor began to slowly concave. Avi and I looked at each other in panic. "Run!" He shouted at me and I ran to the staircase, going the down steps. I heard a thud on the floor below. I ran to the clearing and saw Avi and Mr Rogers on the ground. I rushed over to them. "Kaplan, are you alright?"

He made a sound of pain as he tried to turn over. "I'm okay," He groaned. "Just arrest him,"

"Someone come and get Agent Kaplan, please," I ordered before I pinned Mr Rogers down and brought handcuffs out. I flipped him over and grabbed both his arms. I handcuffed the both of them and stood him up. "Mr Rogers, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you," I tightened the cuffs "Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" I questioned and he nodded. "Now let's go,"

We began walking out of the building. "Let go of me," He tried wriggling out of the cuffs. "You're hurting me," He shouted loudly. He looked over at one of the ambulances and saw the young girl, now strapped to a gurney. He tried running toward her but I pulled him back with all my might. "I'm coming for you," He growled threateningly at her.

I signalled at other agents to help me get him to a police car. They took a hold of him and I let go. Kaplan was sitting alone at one of the ambulances, holding an ice-pack on his shoulder. I walked over to him. He looked at me and smiled. "You okay?" He asked me.

I laughed at his question. "You're asking me?" I replied. "I should be asking you that," I sat next to him. "How's your back?"

"Sore, but this icepack is helping a little," I took the ice pack from his hand and placed it on the centre of his back. "Thank you, so much,"

"You're welcome," We sat there in silence for awhile, watching the chaos die down. They drove Mr Rogers back to the station. "You know you're going to need to take a couple days off,"

"I'm proud of your work today, Agent," He instantly dismissed my words. I smile crept onto my face. "Keep it up," He got up and began walking towards our SUV. I watched him limp his way over.

Agent Kaplan was one of the most respected agents in the bureau. He was so determined and passionate about his job. You can see it in his eyes anytime we are on a case. Adrenaline coursed through his veins every time we caught a criminal. Something, deep down, motivates him. I just don't know what it is. He joined at the age of twenty-three and after five years has risen above his post. His determination was his strength but also his Achilles heel. He always pushed himself to the limit which had positive effects on the case but a negative impact on his wellbeing. He was constantly in and out of the hospital with a new injury.

I was his equal in the bureau, but I wasn't as determined as him. I was underneath him regardless. He is the alpha male in this job. I could never complete. But we cannot be compared to each other. We both have our strength but he was just better than me.

And I respect him for that.

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