Chapter 2

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When I awoke the next morning I rolled out of bed and looked into my mirror. My face was all red and blotchy and my eyes were all puffy. I sighed and took a quick shower. When I was dried off I began to put on my eyeliner and mascara. Hey, I may be edgy and dark but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate looking somewhat decent.

I walked out and holding on my towel and walked into my closet. I put on my black skinny jeans, a baggy black shirt, a very over-sized hoodie, and my Converse. I ran down the stairs and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my dad in the kitchen.

"Good morning Father." I say casually. He just grunts in response. What is with men and their grunting? Are they just to lazy to come up with an actual response or something. I guess I'll never know. I decide I'm not hungry and grab my bag and run out the door. 


When I got to school the first thing I noticed was Jay and his best friend Carter. They are both really attractive. With Jay's adorably disheveled cocoa colored hair. And his tight shirt showing of his six pack. And it only gets better with Carter standing next to him with his black hair and chiseled features. But he could do without the giant gauge in his ear. They turn to me and I quickly divert my gaze.

They start to snicker and I glare at them. They caught me staring, crap. I walk over to my locker and open it when Carter and Jay come up behind me and Carter starts tickling me. I screech and drop onto the ground grasping my stomach covering it from being attacked.

They stand there laughing their asses off, and I swipe my leg under their feet and they both fall in unison. Now it was my turn to laugh. They both looked at me shocked. "You can laugh" Carter says like he doesn't believe it. "Well yeah, I may be quiet and reserved but I don't hate a good laugh sometimes." "She's got a point" Jay reasons. Carter's eyes are glossed over in thought.

I took that time to exchange books and walk into my class after closing my locker.


That day during lunch I walked in and was immediately pulled into someones lap. I let out a small squeak and I hear the people around me going into a chorus of 'awwws' I roll my eyes and turn to see the person who has detained me. I bet you can guess who it was.

"Jaaaaaay" I whined holding the 'a' for longer than need for dramatic effect. "Yes Izzy?" He asks innocently. "Put me down you bell pepper" "Bell pepper? Is that seriously all you got?" I bite him as my answer. "Ow! What was that for!?" he says rubbing the spot that I bit him. I smile and wriggle out of his grasp and go to my corner.


After Lunch I walk into my class right as the bell rings. And I quickly get to my seat. About half-way through the lesson the door opens and Jay walks in and sits next to me. "Go away" "Na, I'm good sitting here" "That makes one of us" I say as I get up and chose a different seat. 

**one week later**

I get home that day and I go to do my homework. When I finish and look at the clock. "Shit, it's 2:30 am" I go and crawl into my bed setting my alarm for 6:00 so that I can make my dad breakfast. He didn't come home, which means he'll be back and be expecting a hangover cure. And I quickly fall asleep. 

I nearly start crying when my alarm goes off. And I turn it off and hop up. I make my bed and quietly make my way downstairs to start making breakfast. I make eggs with avocados with a glass of coconut water and regular water. And place them on the table. 

I go and get ready for school doing my normal routine before going downstairs and seeing my dad. "How you doing Father?" I ask sweetly. "How do you think I'm doing whore? Go get me my pills" He demands harshly as he slaps me. I do as he says and gets him some pain relievers. I hand them to him and run to school.

When I get there I am completely out of breath. I go to my locker and go and lean against it catching my breath. Once my breathing regulates I change my books. I am then picked up and held princess style and I don't even struggle. I just snuggle into the chest closing my eyes. "Jay I'm taking a nap. Good night" I say before falling asleep to the sound of him laughing. The bell rings waking me up and I groan "Time to wake up kitten" "Nope" I turn to find my head is in his lap. I blush as my nose pokes 'there' and I quickly jump up, my face as red as a cherry. "Ooh, you want your face down there? Well that makes two of us." "You suck" "No, that's your job" He says with a wink. I turn and go to my class

After class I run into Laynee, the school slut. Because what's a high school without a slut? I start to ramble on apologizing like crazy. "Eww, I have emo cooties!" She screeches with disgust. And I flinch and run off. 

I walked into the cafeteria and looked around and spotted Laynee straddling Jay's hips as they ate each others faces off. I was feeling a mix of disgust, hurt, and sadness. Why was this upsetting me? Why did it hurt? I continued to ask these questions to myself as I ran out of the cafeteria. I sat on the lawn in front of the school laying in the grass. I take off my hoodie leaving everyone around me speechless. I have never taken off my hoodie in public, so seeing me without is like the end of the world. 

I don't even bother to cover up my cut up wrist and scattered bruises. I mean they all probably think I'm a street fighter anyways. I let the sun beat down on my pale skin. I hear someone sit down next to me and I peek an eye open and groan. "what do you want Jay?" I say, hurt in my voice as I replay the images in my head. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I'm fine" I say as the bell rings to go to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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