Tuesday Janurary 20,2015 11:15pm

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   I have a lot to tell and things to get off my chest. I got sucked into something.I went to homecoming; by the end of it I blacked out. I was different, got caught up in something and  I have no idea how. Lately I've been thinking a lot. Like my feelings and stuff. All that mushy crap I wouldn't say out loud. I wish Luke was here. He's my boyfriend's brother, not blood related though. They were once close but not anymore. I wanted to meet him at least once before he died. I wanted to show him that he isn't alone in this world.That he doesn't have to rely on himself but others too. I would've showed him love that he wouldn't forget. Love that he needs. He was misunderstood, but I wanted to understand him more. Like I started to understand chaos. Hopefully he can bring Luke back so I can show him there are people who actually care for him. Also that nobody and I mean nobody is happy when alone...
(P.s I feel like he was lost on the inside and needed a little guidance) 

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