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Last night I didn't sleep. My tired eyes just couldn't seem to grasp that darkness when I knew someone could be watching me.

That's why I have spent my third period English class half sleeping. Not good for a girl who needs a scholarship more than anything else. Thankfully, Trevor and his friends were going to help me. I hoped.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I almost shrieked. Stalkers could make one a bit jumpy. I whipped my head around to see Clyde, his hand withdrawn.

"Sorry, Clyde. I'm a little jumpy today. What's up?" I asked.

"Can you help me with writing this essay? I really need to get an A."

I called it! They wanted tutoring. But who could say no to those gorgeous grey eyes Clyde possessed?

Not me. So I said yes.

His smile was radiant until I heard our English teacher clear her throat to bring our attention back to the board, his grin disappearing.

The rest of the hour ticked by slowly, each minute feeling like a decade. Finally I heard the bell ring and I jumped from my seat, snatching my things.

"So uh, maybe tomorrow before school in the library? I just need help finding the information." Said Clyde.

"Of course. I'll see you tonight for the party then?"

"Probably not." He responded.

Before I could ask why he shuffled out of the classroom and down the hall. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and exited the room myself. Before I could take another step, my small body collided with another, knocking me back to the ground.

"Watch it!" I hissed, not realizing who I was talking to.

I pulled myself off of the ground and readjusted my books which I held in the crook of my arm. I then looked with fierce eyes at my contender.

It was Ty.

He looked oddly like me. His strawberry blonde hair hanging shaggy in his eyes, his freckles scattered across his nose. The only difference were his piercing olive irises.

He was scowling, his fists clenching and unclenching.

"I always knew you were a bitch." He said.

Ouch. I let out a forced laugh. Maybe it was a joke? Maybe he had a dark sense of humor.

"Wow, uh, haha, I guess? We haven't met properly. I'm Mackenzie." I responded, pushing my hand out for him to shake.

He growled, his face growing red. What was his problem?

"Just because Trevor has a schoolboy crush on you does not mean that everyone on the team likes you. Stay away from me and my life. You've ruined it enough."

With that, he walked away, his luminous stature growing smaller as he exited the building.

My eyebrows were knitted in frustration. Trevor likes me? How have I ruined Ty's life? He didn't even know me.

I spent the rest of the day pondering over those two questions. I shouldn't have, but they just kept replaying in my mind like an annoying song.

Finally the end of the day came and I was rushing out of my last period, eager to take my mind off of things and have a drink at Gwen's party. I was nervous to see Trevor again tonight. I wanted to ask about his feelings and why Ty hated my guts.

You want to ask about Trevor's feelings because you like him.

That's complete B.S.! I hate his guts.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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