chapter one

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 It was a  loud night in Gotham,the usual screams of people getting mugged, the sounds of gunfire,and the midnight black alley ways that seemed to reach out and scream   your deepest darkest fears! But once you get past that the city was  alright.However in one of the alleyways there sat a child who was shrouded in darkness, fear and despair with no one left to love is where our story begins.... bruce once a happy kid that had everything you could imagine. bruce was on his way home from watching the new spideypool movie  the night was perfect Bruce was deep in thought thinking about the movie he just watched until the sound of sirens from the   fire trucks racing down the street. Bruce  didn't really think much of it as it was a normal occurance in Gotham.That was until the trucks turned onto his street ,bruce broke into a panick and started to sprint home  when he got to the end of his driveway he was greeted by the  smell of smoke and  the sight of his parents  being rolled out  of theburnig house on strechers. while taking in the horible scene he over heard one of the fire chief  yell out the most horrifying words of all "they're dead".

 sorry for any spelling errors

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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