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Chapter 2


THat ass hole, I though he needed time then relized, it was more, he never looked at me with longing,love nothing. He didn't see me more then a pack member. I got on the bus and was in so much pain from loosing my pack. But hopefully My uncle Clark will let me join the Star-light Pack. I Hear he's very honest and really good Alpha.


We reach our destionation and finally off that god forsaken bus. I got off and spot grams right away and then I run and hug her. "I missed you so much grams"  then we pulled away. She gave me a sad smile "how are you dear" A tear runs down my face "Not so good grandma, not good at all" them I stiffen when I feel my mother tence  "Run!,run fast"  But it was to late. I was grabed from behind and I couldn't scream for help or anything with the hand squeezing my wind pipe. I see a figure knock my grandma and leave her unconsions. I scream with despair of worrie, was she alive? Oh god look after her please! that was the last thought I had before blackness took me.


'Oh Clark, they took her" Clark jump to his feet with his mothers fear reaching out to him and he hugged her after peeking at her thoughts. "Don't worry mom, well get her back" She nodded, her brothers are  most likely freaking at with her emotions reaching out to him" Clark nodded and "I'll call them now".


"Hello, What happen to my sister?" I sighed "She was taken by the devil Pack" There was a gasp "You mean the pack that are in reallity rogues" I sigh "Yes!" There was growl of so much anger and then the growl turned into a voice saying with such calm that it was very erie "From Pack Alpha to Alpha" there was a pause "I'm coming and getting my MATE!, and no one will stop me from whats mine" there was a dead silence "Her mate just left and he's headed that way" then I heard voices "uncle Just a little advice" I cleared my throat "yes?" there was a pause in silence "He was kidnapp awhile back which you know , but what you don't know he was beyond abuse and made to do things that no mind can heal" I nodd to myself "And your telling me because "If he find a hair on her head even missing, no one is safe, so put your pack on lockdown!" I nodd with understanding, then the line went dead!.


They took her, my mates in danger because of me. If I would've just claimed her and be done with it "wait Alpha were coming to" I turned and started to say no but My brother spoke "You'll need someone to take care of our Alpha female while you take out the enemie" Stark said, I just nodd my head.


I woke to pain in my arm, and see it hasn't healed back due to the fact it was in a weird angle. "Your not in pain are you". "Fuck you!" I sneared and the mans face turned red with anger and he started kicking and kicking me with so much force I started spitting up blood. "Now your mate won't want you!" I growled "He won't care, he rejected me along time ago, so have fun at it!" He just took me in "well I'll maye you in a few and that wait i'll have a permanet punching and kicking bag" He said with a smile. "Go to hell" And he backed handed me. and blackness consumed me.

I woke again with a start! someone was trying to take my clothes off. I kicked out and said "Don't touch me". I screamed "Please, just take them off and put this glown on or we all pay". I was shocked to hear a soft voice instead of the dark voice. "Who are you?" There was a huff then a sigh and few mins of silence "That guy that was in here before is my mate!" I was shocked "I don't understand?" she hissed "He rejected me as a mate but not a servant or his whore" I gasp "Oh my god, that bastard". There was a humor laugh from the woman. "Yeah but your going to become his mate, I feel more sorry for you, you half to share a connection with" she said in disgust. "Over my dead body" I said in return. and refuse the gown. I  not going to sacrurfice myself for them, I'm not know coward! I'm fighting for my life even if they don't.


"Come on dear, time to mate me!" the man sneared in my ear after kicking me awake.  I pretended to be asleep and then I kicked him where the sun don't shine. And ran out and shut the cell door and locked it and ran into a room that look like a semi kitchen. Everyone froze "Run!,Your free to run" I screamed and the woman and kids did just that. "you little bitch" the man charged at me but he didn't reach me in time a big black wolf speared him into the wall and I realize it was Slade. To say I was shocked was stating it mildly. Then the devil pack Alpha layed dead with the other members of their pack "You all serender and join your pack or you free to return to your own pack of choice" Stark said to everyone but Slade was still in wolf form growling at everyone "Arrow come calm him down please?" I nodd confuse "Hey slade, can you shift for me, I petted him and felt him relax and then he changed back and he grabed me and hugged me with such relief. "I'm not letting you go ever again, baby I was so scared but I felt a little hope rise and scotched it real quick. "Lets head home" Stark said.

I smiled then just stood there when Slade talk to Stark then I spotted my grandmother, "Grams!" and I rushed to her side and hugged her then Hugged my uncle Clark "You ready to go home Grams?" She looked at me with a frown And Clark staring at me confused eyes.

"Arrow? What do you mean go home?" He said with confused voice. I thought for a moment and realize They haven't fully welcome me either, and I brought all this trouble to their door step and now I wasn't welcome here either. I don't belong anywhere, I so wished I die already. A horrible sob broke past my lips with out my control and it sounded so broken to my own ears that even my grams paled at the sound. then next I know I'm in Slades arms With Stark guarding me it looks like from everyone including my grams. That was a shock but not as a shock as Slade's voice of promise and vilence "What did you say to upset her?" Clark stutter "Nothing? all I said was what did she mean if we were ready to go home?" Slade turn to me with a question look. So I took a deep breath "They don't want me in their pack sence i brought them trouble to their door step. They don't want me no one does!" And I couldn't control my tears anymore, they fell freely down my cheeks. "Oh honey accourse we want you, it's just not possible, your Slade mate and he's going to claim you as such!" I shook my head "Grams he rejected me, he threw me away, he don't want me at all" Some one pick me up and bye the tingles I knew it was slade.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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