"Is He Alive?"

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(Hey, guys. Comment, and tell me I am a cucumber, and a idiot for not updating. I hate myself for not, but i'm back. I know I have said that frequently lately, but I have been trying to get myself together, and you guys have been a real help in my healing process. I love you all, thank you for staying with, and supporting me on this story. Updates need to be rescheduled. I am thinking, Wednesday and Sundays? If not that, definitely Wednesdays.)


I returned to the bedroom silently, wrapped in a towel. The sheets had need removed from the bed, and Harry was nowhere in sight. As I emerged from the doorway, I tried to ignore the sting in between my legs. On the bed laid a pair of underwear, black of course, and Harry's old plaid shirt.

"He's funny." I laugh to myself. Without another word, I dress in the clothing left for me. I must admit, I was terrified for Harry and I to make love. After tonight, there is nothing left I can give him to show my love. We have passed kissing, touching, even the words themselves. He now holds all of me, and one misplaced action can cause us to crumble. But I will do everything I can to keep that from happening.

While deep in thought, I notice the balcony window had been open. Moonlight shining through, I couldn't help myself but to think what Harry's inked skin would look like in this lighting. What my inked words would look like in this lighting.

Apon walking outside, I hear the familiar puffs of air I thought were long gone.

"Dammit..." I shake my head, still unable to break the smile plastered on my face. Using a chair I use to read in the morning, I prop myself onto the roof, the familiar, lean body coming into sight. Using all my strength, which is not a lot, I lift myself onto the roof as well, crawling to sit next to him.

"Hello, beautiful." He smiles, bringing his hand to stroke my back, while the other brings the cigarette to his lips. I watch as he inhaled the poison before removing it from his lungs, away from me.

"I thought you quit." I laugh as he chokes on the smoke.

"I did." He coughs, joining me in laughter as he sits up. Soft lips kiss my cheek as he pulls me closer to him. "How do you feel?" He whispers, meeting my eyes, captivating me really.

"Fine." I smile, kissing him back.

"Don't lie... I know it hurts..." His words surprise me, but his hand in mine bring me back to him.

"Yeah, it hurts, but i'm okay." I smile. Harry's touch traveled, it felt as though he was touching every nerve in body, and I couldn't help but revel in the feeling. I am met with the familiar feeling of his lips on mine. One quick kiss before his lips are met with another drag from his poison. "Put that out..." I laugh.

"Why?" He questions jokingly, "It's not sexy?" Instead of answering verbally, I just laughed, and swatted his arm. My attention drifted off to the moon. So much has happened between us, but I would not take any of it back. If I did, we wouldn't be where we are right now. The feeling of Harry's arms snaking around my waist brought me back to him, and reality. "What are you thinking about, beautiful?"

"Is it stupid that I feel closer to you?" I whisper, savoring the kisses being left on my shoulder. His arms tighten around me as the words leave my mouth.

"Why would that be stupid?"

I shrug my shoulders, deciding to remain silent. My eyes cast downwards as Harry takes my hand. His touch was comforting along with the whispered 'I love you's' that left his mouth repeatedly. Harry detaches himself from me for a moment to finally put his cigarette out, returning to his previous place next to me. The air was taken over by silence, both of us savoring the skin-on-skin contact.

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