The Calm

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I rode quickly, riding ahead of the others.


I sighed and slowed the pace of my horse, but I had him continue running. "Legolas, I will not match the pace of Theoden. May I remind you that not one man got a ceremony for their bravery?"

"There was no time," Gimli said loudly over the galloping of the horses.

"Not even a word!?" I glared at the two of them. "Or a small line of graditude?"

"Perhaps they shall get one as soon as we reach Helm's Deep." Legolas lowered his eyes.

I sighed almost out of anger. "I will next to them, but I will not awknoledge Theoden or anyone else until I feel the need to do so."

Gimli nodded. "I can understand that. My father told me that you've been through much pain and misery."

"Did your father tell you it didn't end?"

Gimli paused in surprise. "My lady..."

I swallowed hard. "Do not mind that. I am strong, but do not tempt it is all I ask."

Theoden's men were now within ear shot. I looked ahead, not wanting to look at any of them. We rode quickly towards Helm's Deep, which was now in view. I rode silently, beginning to sway into my own thoughts. 

The time he kissed me, the time he carressed me, he was trying to tell me. But I, in my own blindness and grief, did not want to believe. I did wonder why he didn't try the same things on Eowyn, but I thought it was because he had true affections toward her. I didn't think it was the other way around. 

"Bre!" Legolas touched my shoulder, and I snapped out of it, stopping my horse before it ran into the gate.

"Thank you." I nodded to Legolas.

"King Theoden has arrived!" A man yelled.

The gate was opened and we quickly made our way in. I felt lost, seeing the sight of worn out people against the gray walls. They looked lost, afraid, and hopeless. I was almost beginning to feel my strength get taken from me.

"Make way for the king," someone ordered.

Eowyn ran to us as I dismounted my horse.

"So few. So few of you have returned." Eowyn glanced at each of us desperate, probably looking for Aragorn.

I lowered my eyes, taking a deep breath.

Theoden locked his gaze with Eowyn for a moment. "Our people are safe." He helped a wounded soilder dismount his horse. "We paid for it with many lives."

Legolas knew what Eowyn was seeking. He turned to me, and I nodded. He placed a hand on Gimli, and Gimli slowly walked toward Eowyn.

"My lady."

Eowyn turned to Gimli, blinking with a worried expression. "Lord Aragorn. Where is he?"

Gimli swallowed to make his voice a bit sturdy. "He fell."

Eowyn's mouth dropped and she looked away. She glanced at her uncle, realizing why he was acting so distant. She sat down as she dwelled it over.

I looked away. "I need ale." I quickly made way toward the stairs.

Legolas followed me. "But what of the king's orders?"

"Tell them to me later." I opened two large doors to a grand hall where many people were eating. I pursed my lips to my luck and asked a girl for ale. I sat on the closest seat to me. 

Legolas stood next to me. "Why have you come to this?" 

"I want to sleep, and this will help to pass the time." 

The girl quickly brought my mug of ale. 

I raised the ale. "Cheers." I began swallowing a few sips.

Legolas stared at me, and then he sat in front of me. "I'll have some bread," he told the girl. 

"I'll take an ale as well." Gimli smiled as he sat next to me. The girl nodded and walked away.

I couldn't help but smile at his cheerfulness. "Glad to see someone is joining me." 

Legolas lowered his eyes. "I simply do not wish to show weakness to those who need strength."

I placed my mug on the table. "Everyone has a time of weakness. Come tomorrow morning, I will have more than my fair share of it."

The girl placed some bread in front of Legolas and handed Gimli his drink. The girl curtsied and began walking away.

"Thank you." Legolas looked from the girl to me. He then lowered his eyes. "Perhaps so, but why are you so broken? Is there something ailing you?"

"Gawh!" Gimli swallowed his drink loudly. "Let the girl be. After all, she is a woman. Ha! A woman taught in the world of Dwarves no less."

Legolas furrowed his brows, looking me over. "You stayed with those Dwarves even after the journey with Thorin?" 

I swallowed another few sips. "Does it surprise you?" I noticed people were getting out of the grand hall. I looked at Legolas. "Men thought I was a Dwarf because of my size." 

"How did you grow?" Legolas looked like he was seeing a ghost. 

I paused, about to ask 'has Caleniel not told you?' but I thought better of it. "I practically begged for a way. Gandalf said it would be best I be returned to the size I am to be. Something about a balance." 

Legolas looked away, lowering his eyes. "That does not seem like it would be so." 

"Begging was something I would not seem to do either. Off that." I sighed as I shrugged. "I would not be able to ask for the aid of Dwarves if I did not stay with them. The Dwarves knew my story, while men did not believe it and would only ask of my fathers because of a value they seeked." 

"You could have lived in Rivendell." 

Gimli laughed loudly. "The company of Elves and Dwarves are not the same." 

Legolas smiled with a glare. "True, we smell better." 

Gimli glared. "We are better at parties. You people constantly act as if there is a funeral and that everything must be gracious." 

I let out a small laugh, remembering the Dwarves' reactions in Rivendell. I smiled to myself. "I had everything I needed, and Caleniel visited me."

Legolas lowered his eyes. "I remember that." 

I nodded and began to drink more. "Do you believe he has let go of Arwen?" I lowered my head. "I know the hauntings of a former love. I can only imagine the pain he must have felt."

Legolas looked at me softly. He broke his bread in half. "Pain can be a strength. We eventually endure. However, it is through laughter that we can be cured for a moment." He smiled at me and began to eat some bread.

I paused, taking in his words, and smiled. I swallowed the last of my ale. I smiled at Legolas. "I suppose so. Perhaps we will laugh again." I lowered my eyes and nodded. "And we can fight until everyone in this keep does so."

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