Chapter 14

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The hallways were cool from the rain outside. The big windows lining the main hallway were so wet it was like being underwater. A big storm was overhead, so bad that the TVs were all buzzing with a severe thunderstorm warning and the alarm uptown was going off. I was panicking just a small bit, but Frank gripped my hand. That made everything okay again.

We walked down the stairs and stopped at the receptionist's desk by the door. I was nervous to talk to her so I let Frank go first. He fished out his paperwork and handed it to her, and in no time, he was free. He couldn't stop smiling, and promised me I'd be fine. I walked up to the lady and handed her the stack of paperwork and manila folder from Dr. Sheffield. She checked all my paperwork and stamped all the correct papers. She had me sign something, and that was the end of that. Frank and I were all ready to go home.

Frank waved goodbye to the receptionist and we went to find a good place to sit. We found a place out of the way and waited for Jamia to text him. Frank was practically bouncing up and down, a wonderful contrast to how he'd been just an hour ago. I felt like I was about to throw up, but I tried to stay calm. I was picking at my jeans and playing with the tag on my bag, just trying to find something to help me stay calm. Frank kept staring at the door, then checked his phone. He did that for about 15 minutes until his phone made the noise we were waiting for.

The moment we'd both been waiting for had arrived. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the feeling of excitement wouldn't leave me alone. Frank took my hand again and as we walked to the door, I felt weightless. My stomach was lurching but not entirely in the way that means I would throw up. It was a good feeling.

Frank opened the door and we stepped into the pouring rain. He looked for Jamia's car and put his hood up before running to it, still gripping my hand tight. The car was a green Kia Soul, which was unexpected but probably a good car to have considering they had a few children. Frank got in up front and settled in beside his wife, and I got in the back. Their kids were squished in like sardines already and I squeezed in beside them. It was awkward, but they were smiling at me.

I looked around the car to familiarize myself with it, and as Jamia started driving, I felt pretty relaxed. I got car sick easily so I tried to keep my eyes on the road or on the things on the side of the road to keep myself focused. Frank started talking to his wife and I listened to the sound of his voice. I was about to fall asleep until he turned around to look at me.

"I forgot to mention its a long ride," he said with a giggle. "Do you need anything?"

I liked long car rides, especially in the rain. But I didn't want to be a burden.

"I'm good," I answered quietly.

Frank smiled at me and nodded with approval, then asked his kids the same question. They looked at him with such loving eyes and they all just seemed happy to have him there.

Everything in the car settled and I leaned my head against the window. I took my blanket out of my bag and used it as a pillow, watching everything outside the window going past. Frank talked to his wife again and I was pulled out of what was almost a trance. I looked up at her and watched how she talked to him. She was beautiful, and seemed kind. It was obvious that she was absolutely in love with Frank and they had a very loving, open relationship. I listened to the two of them talk for a while, pretty happy that Frank had the chance to be with them again.

I fell asleep listening to his voice and I managed to sleep until we were stopped at a stoplight in the middle of a traffic jam. Frank's son had fallen asleep on me and had dropped his bag of goldfish crackers all over the floor. I didn't know how long we'd been asleep but it was still raining and Frank was still awake. Jamia was trying to drive carefully so she wouldn't cause Frank to throw up; we definitely didn't need that again.

I stayed awake after my nap but tried to stay still so Frank's son wouldn't wake up. The traffic was horrible and I was a little uncomfortable, but I stayed put. Frank turned around to check on us after a while and smiled when he saw us being cute.

"I think Miles has taken a liking to you," Frank said quietly, moving to lay on the seat like an upright bed.

"Yeah I guess he has," I replied, looking down.

Miles looked a lot like Frank, but I noticed all of the kids were the perfect mix of Frank and Jamia. Their daughters were no older than 6, and Miles had to be 4 or 5. They seemed like a perfect family and I hoped I would be able to fit in with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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