R u n n i n g L a t e

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Bernie was walking towards the residential hall. Awaiting him there would be Donald. The most orange man you could imagine.

"Mr. Trump, I don't think he could make it."

"YOONGI! Shut up and don't speak nonsense. You're my secretary. He would have called ages ago." Trump raged on. His almost transparent eyebrows were ready to jump off his face.

"But..." Yongi was caught off by the door bursting open.

On the other side, he stood. The almost balding candidate. Bernie Sanders. His chest rose up and down as he tried to catch his breathe.

Yoongi on the other hand felt aroused at such movement. He looked over at expecting to see a pissed of man. Instead he received a flirtatious look.

"Chinese people suddenly look attractive." Trump murmured while adjusting his tie. Buttons on his shirt were nearly exploding off. He had a gained a bit, no a lot, of weight while eating jajamyeon.

Bonaldongi : TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now