Being a Teacher for The Day :)))

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Ushijima- Walks in casually and talks and explains everything so clearly. The thing is, the girls keep swooning... (Is that even a word?)  The boys actually pay attention, for once. He teaches English.

Tendou- Walks in with a wierd posture. The students would have this "question mark" on their heads. Then, he would reach thr table and silence. Then, he smacked the table and says "Good MORNING CCLLLAAASSSSSSSS~!!!!!!!! 😁😄!" AND Everybody would just laugh or be shocked. Then, when he would discuss, he would make jokes hat either make the students laugh everytime. He would end up being the favorite teacher of the class because of his "explosive" way of discussion. (A/n: I have a teacher like this so.... 😂) He teaches Science.

Goshiki- He enters the class nervously. When he talks he would stutter, sometimes he would mispronounce and misuse the words, because of nervousness. Yep. He teaches Nihonggo ( do they have a subject like that? Hmmm)

Taichi- Walks in the class with style. The girls would swoon and the boys would immediately hate him. Ushijima is simple but Taichi... Well... Not. So, when he discusses, he would do a pose or hairflip out of mannerism. :3 Teaches.     Music and Arts

Hayato- Just a normal teacher. Alittle strict, alittle kind. Just right. He teaches History.

Leon- He is a very strict teacher, a terror teacher. (RIP.) HE TEACHES Physical Education and Health.

Semi-A boring teacher, as well... And strict. Very strict. He teaches Values. (Lol)

Haikyuu!! : Shiratorizawa HEADCANNONS Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin