Chapter 2

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Haruna called his father in a
telephone and after few minutes his father came crying. "Haruna are you fine?" His father said,"F-father, mother passed away..." Haruna said. Nakayama Tsuruga can't believe and told her "Can you repeat it I think I heard wrong". "M-mother ha-" Haruna lost consciousness. "Haruna, Haruna wake up don't leave me please"," PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! HARUNA!". She was brought to the hospital. The doctor said that she was just tired and traumatized. And after a month she returned to her residence. She wasn't anymore the cheerful child there on she became quiet.


"Father continue what urgent matter you're going to tell me.

"The thing that I'm telling you is that you're turning 18 right?" His father said. She nodded. "I'm planning to give you half of our property on you're 18 birthday" Tsuruga said.
Haruna didn't get startled after all everyone had expectations.

Time skip to Haruna's 18 birthday

Congratulations! These were the words told to her by everyone. His father and Haruna went in the stage and bowed. "Today I shall declare that half of my company will be passed to my only daughter, Nakayama Haruna!" His father announced. Everyone clapped and happily said congratulations.

Next day

She went to her school with 5 bodyguards(as expected on a rich family ^_^). After her classes she went on a park and watched the a river flow. She told her bodyguards not to get close to her for a while. As she watch the river flow a child fell. She wanted to save the child but hesitated. Sadly no one notice until she jumped on the river. She was able to save the child. When she got up to the boat a gush of wind came. It was so strong that caused her to fall. She tried to swim but something is preventing her. There she lost consciousness.

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