Chapter 2

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chapter 2


We got out of the car and began to walk towards the stadium.

We were walking quite slow not speaking at all and nearly tripping from all the girls crowding us.

We finally were in the building and the show was just starting, Brianna, Brittany and Taylor were singing along and dancing but I just stood there not caring at all. Ashton saw me a few times and quickly looked away, I started walking toward the entrance as the show was starting to end. Taylor followed but Brianna and Brittany stayed for the rest of the show.

" Okay so we just wait here I guess" Taylor said and I just shrugged my shoulders. We sat against the wall and played on our phones for about 20 minutes, that's when we heard the door open and Ashton and Calum were talking toward the bus. I picked a rock and handed one to Taylor and we ran behind them and as we were about to hit them ashton turned around and said "Wait what are yo-" before he finished I quickly hit him on the head several times before I knew he was knocked out. Taylor quickly did the same and we drug the body's into the corner until we saw Brianna and Brittany pull up in the car.

Brittany rolled down the window and said "We thought you might need this so hurry up the other boys are leaving soon" We nodded and put the boys in the back seat and shut the door. Taylor and I hid until Luke and Michael came out and we quickly did the same thing we did to Ashton and Calum except we were a little more gentle. We quickly put the bodies in the back seat and climbed in.

"Holy shit! We actually did it!" I said as Brittany started driving him. As soon as we got home. We all took a body into the house and locked in our basement.


2 hours later......

Luke's POV

I woke up and looked around, I saw Ashton, Michael and Calum laying on the floor unconscious.

I started to panic and yelled. Soon after I heard a door open, I tried to get up but I literally had no strength. Foot steps came down the stairs and there stood infront of me was a blonde girl, she kinda looked familiar.

"Why am I here?!" I yelled, she just laughed

"Maddie he's asking why he's here?" She said while laughing. Soon after another pair of footsteps came down the stairs. Now this girl looked familiar, really familiar. She looked like Ashton's old girlfriend.

"Your here for a reason but why don't you ask Ashton when's he's finally conscious, if he's ever conscious" Maddie said she looked....worried but she quickly looked away from Ashton's body.

What the hell is going on.

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