Friendly murders

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She started explaining it to Elijah who was listening very carefully while making sure no one else was.

Let's begin...

She then said "We will go on the boat. You will be rowing and I will be sat behind you. When we will be arriving under the lady's walk bridge, you will stop. Knock Freyah out of the boat with one of the paddles. John as a good fellow will probably dive in to save her. At that moment I will hit him in the head with my purse that I will have filled with shillings. I will scream and yell for help. From that moment forward, I will be the one. Telling the police about the tragic accident."

Once that was said, they. Kissed each other and left.

Olivia thought to herself " that was the last kiss as a married couple."

The days passed. And it was. The 15th of March. Both couples arrived and went straight for the boat shed.

Everything went as planned. Freyah sank and John was not long after. Olivia as only praying that they will not be coming back at the surface. elijah then asked

"What next?"

"We wait." Was her only reply.

    A week passed since the accident. The police did not find the body of Mr Scott. That information worried the two survivors but nothing was going to stop them.

Five years have passed and the day of the murder was long behind them, or so they thought...

Mrs Scott. Had now become Mrs Olivander. By the death of her first husband, she had won all of his money and had married Elijah as she planned.

No one in Hythe thought for one second that their marriage was a well-calculated plan by both newlyweds.

They continued a normal life.
Elijah on a rainy day of November 1878, went to work in the Hythe town council.

He was lost in his thoughts when he saw John.

He did not believe his eyes and started to run. He then rushed into the new house he bought with Olivia. He screamed.

"Olivia! Olivia! I saw him! I really did!" She came running down the stairs and replied

" What do you mean you saw him? Who are you talking about?"

"John! I saw John! Alive, breathing! He was walking along Dymchurch road." He panted

"Are you. Sure it was him?" She raised her eyebrows questionably at him

"Yes positive!"

"That's Impossible." She whispered to herself holding on to the staircase rail.

"He's dead, I killed him!"



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