Chapter 2

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Willamina's POV

My school day so far was going as usually but thoughts of Jimmy invaded my mind making paying attention impossible. By lunch, there were whispers of this attractive new guy named Jimmy and I just needed to clear my head of it. I made my way to the cafeteria through the throngs of students. Once there, I found my usually table in the back corner next to the window. My best friend Rebecca was already sitting there waiting.

"Hey Becca. What's been going on?"

"OMG Willie, have you seen the new guy?! That's all people have been talking about."

I rolled my eyes at this. Rebecca and I were so different at times it was a wonder we became friends. Rebecca had light brown hair and grey eyes and was very talkative and out going. I was shy and quiet and was only friends with Rebecca. She was friends with everyone, even Derrick. I couldn't help but be disgusted saying his name, even in my thoughts. Rebecca hadn't stopped talking so I decided to tune in.

"-and Linzie said Katie told Abby that Kristen heard Taylor tell Maya that Ashley saw you in the parking lot talking to the new guy. Care to explain?"

I groaned inwardly. How was I supposed to escape this guy if he kept popping up?

"It really wasn't anything big. I told him that he was in my parking space and we introduced ourselves."

"So then why did Sarah tell misty that you were blushing like crazy and seemed a little out of breath when he drove to another space?"

"What the hell?! Becca, you and your friends gossip too much."

She grinned sheepishly. "Yea but what else am I supposed to do in school."

"I don't know. How about getting an education?"

"A what?" She asked making the two of us laugh.

We where in the middle of out hysterics when an all too familiar masculine voice interrupted us.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Both Rebecca and I settled our eyes on a nervous Jimmy.

"Yes." I said ate the same time Rebecca said "No."

Rebecca shot me a look before patting the seat next to her but he didn't seem to notice as he sat down next to me. When he did, he and Rebecca looked eyes and she stiffened. She glanced around the cafeteria before locking eyes with someone across the room the shifting her eyes back to Jimmy. His eyes didn't once leave her and I couldn't help be jealous.

"I'm going to get some food." I grumbled.

On my way back to the table, I saw Jimmy and Rebecca having what looked like to be a pretty intense conversation. I wanted to give them space but I also really wanted to know what they were talking about. I carefully walked towards them but as if they knew I was coming, both of them turned to me. I sighed. I guess I won't find out. Rebecca smiled at me but Jimmy didn't. His eyes stayed locked on me, as if studying my movements. I sat down next to Rebecca this time and he looked a little disgruntle about that.

When lunch ended, I said good bye to Rebecca and quickly made my way to my next class. I thought I heard Jimmy call my name but I still didn't turn around. I got to my Spanish class and sat in the back. I was reading a book when the chair next to me was screeched out and someone sat down. A strong, masculine, woodsy smell consumed me and I felt my body begin to tremble. This wasn't natural for me. I wasn't used to trying to stop myself from flinging myself int a mans arms. I glanced to my left to see Jimmy's intense, blue eyes focused on me. I clenched my hands into fist and tried to keep myself under control. Whenever we made any kind of contact, which seemed to often, I felt tingles and shocks travel down my spine. Then he whispered a question in my ear and I nearly lost it. But it was almost as if he knew what he was doing to me. I bolted out of class when the bell rang, needing to escape. It turned out he was in my chemistry class, the class I also shared with Derrick.

Jimmy's POV

On my drive home I thought over everything that happened today. I had found my mate. She was human but she was still mine. I found a pack. I met the future alphas, Rebecca and Derrick.  Rebecca wasn't a wolf but her mate was. I thought about what Rebecca told me at lunch. She had said that her mate Derrick wasn't very fond of rogues like myself so I should be careful. She also said I should be careful with Willamina. Like I didn't already know that. She also asked me about how I become a rogue. I told her about the night when my pack was attacked. My parents, the alphas, were killed along with the rest of the pack. I managed to escape with my three year old sister. That was three years ago. She offered me a place in her pack but my wolf said I shouldn't join, that there were things I needed to know first. I trust my wolf and he's never steered me wrong. That's how I survived the life of a rogue with a baby. Not to mention the alpha's blood that runs through my veins. I told Rebecca I'd talk to Sophie about it.

Then I met her mate. I guess she talked to him before I got to chemistry because he was pretty cool. Then my beautiful mate came in and took a seat by the window. She seemed to really enjoy nature and looked outside whenever she could. Then Derrick and his friends went over to talk to her. The insulted and teased her but all she did was stare out the window, uninterested. Then when Derrick cupped her cheek to force her to look at him, I almost lost it. How dare he disrespect what's mine! My wolf wouldn't let me stop him. He said that was one of the things I needed to know; how the pack leader treated my mate.

Ahhh my mate. She truly is perfect. In Spanish, I had sat next to her. I could tell how I made her feel. I heard her deep in take of breath when I sat down and heard her heart rate spike. I saw how tense she become in order to keep herself in check. I could smell her want... She jumped and shuddered when I touched her. I loved how sensitive and responsive she was to me. She truly is perfect.

When I arrived home, Sophie came bounding out the house and into my arms before I had turned the car off completely.

"Hi Jim-jim! I missed you!" She said.

"Hi Princess. I missed you more." I said automatically. We started telling each other this everyday when I had to start leaving her during the day. But I took her to work with me and taught her how to read and write afterwards. I also taught her about werewolf things even though we would't find out if she was a shifter until she was 16. The only reason I did't know if she was shifter was because Sophie wasn't really my sister. I saw her stumbling around in the midst of the violence looking for her mother. My family was already gone so I scooped her up and took her with me, knowing that everyone in our pack was gone. I looked at my Princess and smiled, silently promising to always keep her safe.


AWWWWWW!!!!! Isn't that cute?! I think it is. Any way, here's chapter 2. i hope you enjoyed it!!! I'm also looking for someone to do my cover. If you're interested or know someone, send me a message. Thanks!!!

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