La Parfumeur

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  "Wake up, mon cher. Breakfast's ready." 

"Whaaaaaat? Just let me sleep for a while..."

"Réveille-toi, monsieur le Premier Ministre."

  The smell of coffee and toast was wandering in the room.  A streak of sunbeam was reflected into the window, making the blue in Justin's eyes even brighter.  "Okay... I haven't slept this much since I became the Prime Minister, actually...  But I wanna stay with you like this every single day."  He got up from the bed, and walked in the bathroom for a quick shower.  About 10 minutes later, he stepped out of it and sat down on that white chair in the sun-lit balcony.

  "So... Do you like it? I made it all by myself.  And of course, I didn't wake you up until I finished it because I wanted to give you a little surprise."  Emmanuel smiled and took a sip on his Café au lait.  "Well then, Should I give you a surprise back?" Justin giggled, munching on his French toast.  "What's that?" Out of his curiosity, Emmanuel asked.  "It's not a surprise if I told you 'bout that, non?"

  "W-where are you taking me?!"  Once again, Emmanuel stuttered.  His eyes were covered by Justin's big, wet hands, which made him feel satisfied for some reason.  "You'll know it later!" He answered, and continued to lead his lover to their destination.  They walked along the cobbled street of Paris, and finally, they had reached the entrance of a small boutique adorned by all sorts of flowers.  "Let's go." They pushed the door and walked in.  "Surprise," Justin let go of his hands and left Emmanuel in awe.  "No wonder I smell such aroma."  He smiled. 

  "Um, bonjour Madame, I was wondering if there's a kind of perfume that suits my boyfriend? He's an elegant person who really enjoys reading and is working way too hard than he should...  Yeah, really."  Justin did not know that he was literally pointing out all his flaws that were too good to be true.  "Alright boys, please wait..." The shop owner was busy pumping all her scents into the fancy bottle. The final outcome was a mixture of leather and musk.

  "B-but-- I'm running a country!  Am I working really that hard?"  "Of course you are, mon amour.  C'mon, let me give you the weirdest massage in the world, from the weirdest world leader who falls in love with a French president as soon as we get back there, 'kay?"

  And so, the two of them walked side to side, hand in hand, along the sun-kissed Parisienne walkways.

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