All gone....

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Jasper's POV

I couldn't believe I was doing this after all these years I was gonna get my revenge. A million thoughts were going through my head...

What if I get caught.
What if she gets away.

I couldn't think about the negative I was finally gonna do it and nothing was gonna hold me back not one thing.....

After everything's she's done to me and liv I wasn't gonna stop now I've came to far I already got her tied up in my trunk there's no going back until the job was done....

I heard screaming from my trunk... shit she woke up. I had to go shut her up so I went to open my trunk to her kicking screaming...

"Shhhhhh it'll all be over soon"

I put black dark black sticky duct tape over her mouth and got back into the car and looked at my phone.


"Crap her and mum are proably fighting again."

I couldn't worry about that now eye on the prize.

I was driving and a minute later I get a text

""Hey love just wanted to make sure everything was okay my mum got into me again can we meet up."

I didn't know what to say she'll know something's up if I don't meet up.. no time for that.

I texted back I'm busy then press sent...

I was finally deep enough into the woods were I was gonna kill her... I took the duct tape off her mouth so I could hear her suffer like she put me and liv through I stabbed her in her arm then made me way to her heart and the scream she let out was bloodiest scream ever..

It was all over

All the hurt she put us through.

Everything's gone...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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