40. Miss. Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children By Ransom Riggs

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June 22, 2017
June 24, 2017
This is a re-read.

So when I first read this back in October I thought it was okay and I decided I was going to re-read. I loved it more the second time then the first. Also I didn't take much notes because it isn't really a taking notes book.

So Jacob's grandpa in my opinion is a badass. Like he spent basically fighting for the peculiars. I honestly adore that. Thank you Grandpa Portman.

So Grandpa Portman said that the hollows were coming for him and Jacob's dad took the key to his guns and Grandpa Portman says "What an I supposed to fight them with, the goddamned butter knife?" That made me think of Peter from Divergent. He would be proud.

It's sad. Jacob was the only one who lover his grandfather.

So Jacob has acute stress reaction and his mom says something so stupid "I don't see anything cute about it."

Jacob's dad is a annoying bitch. Ransom you made an awful character.

So Jacob was having Percy Jackson moments when he thought he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. Plz stop Jacob.

Jacob finding Enoch's hearts and organ stuff was funny in my opinion.

"What about those crazy drunks who think I'm a German spy?" I said. "I don't feel like getting chased with clubs today."
"You twit," Emma said. "That was yesterday. They won't remember a thing."

Millard likes to study animals and in 27 years he observed half of the animals and nearly all the animals. He spent 3 years on pigs alone. I would rather spend 3 years studying pigs then going to middle years for 3 years.

"See you tomorrow, future boy!"

"My father was killed by dogs."

"When there was no light anywhere but her face on my little screen, I lay there in the dark, still looking."

So I liked Enoch in the movie but in the book he is a annoying sassy bitch. I want to slap him so many times you don't even know.

He rolled his eyes. "You two deserve each other."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you better not get all high an' mighty with me, mate."
Chill Enoch, you lil bitch.

"Is there something going on between you and Enoch?"
She pulled away instantly, looking at me like I'd suggested we dine on puppies.
"What?! No! Where on Earth did you get a twisted idea like that?"
Damn Jacob. Good way of ruining the moment.

And then she met my eyes and said, "He could see the monsters."

Emma is still sad about Abe going to America which makes me sad.

Hollowgast (noun)~
A creature with a empty soul.

"You may live with us as lonh as you like."
"But I-I can't-my parents."
"They may love you," she whispered, "but they'll never understand."

(So I kinda lost some of the review I think. This happened because I wasn't on wattpad for a few minutes and the page refresh and got rid of what I wrote sooooo deal with it)

"Wait till everyone's asleep and then slide down the chimney like Santa Claus and BLAM!" He fired an imaginary pistol at Emma's pillow. "Brains on the wall."

"Jacob, how did taht wight know so much about you? And us?"
"You called him doctor." Said Enoch.
"He was my psychiatrist."
"Psychiatrist!" Enoch said. "That's just grand! Not only did he betray us to a wight, he's mad to boot!"

"I must apologize," he said. "It seems I've gotten myself shot."

"Where are you going?"
"On a trip."
"A trip," he repeated. "When will you be back?"
"I don't really know."
He shook his head. "Just like your grandfather."

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