The Boys

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You are the biggest hypocrites with constant double standards. 

You want me to speak my mind instead of lying , saying "I'm fine" then turn around get upset. "You're doing to much " yea that's what he said. You want me to "lower my tone, stop yelling" yet you practically raise the bass in your voice to saying "chill I'm not doing nothing." But in reality we both know you do. 

You want us to be your friend. Someone to chill with. Kick back and watch Netflix. But as the movie is playing your hand is rubbing my thigh. You want us to cook and clean. But may I ask what is it you'll do for me? Oh lemme guess.  You'll sleep with some girl I know. We will fight. But in the end you expect me to forgive you because you're a man and you have needs.

More like a boy who loves to complicate the most simplest things. All for his own entertainment.

Sitting here calling us women queens. Asking us to sit on your lap because you're a king and you're the boss and if I don't agree I must not be the one.

You pass women around like you're sharing a blunt with your boys. You manipulate us into loving you as if our tears of hurt give you tears of joy.

Oh Boys, poor soulless, evil, cruel boys.
Who hurt you?

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