3: cHiNa LiNe sOrRtInG cRaP oUt

411 14 2

- 2:19 am -
CutieChenle has joined the chat
MoominJun has joined the chat

MoominJun: omd
MoominJun: are we seriously the only ones online rn?

CutieChenle: hAh yeS

MoominJun: what have I done to deserve this cruel punishment

CutieChenle: why do you hate me so much?

MoominJun: I don't
MoominJun: it's just that you're really annoying and extra

CutieChenle: :'(( you hurt my feelings
CutieChenle: nah but srsly
CutieChenle: we used to be so close back then, we were practically bros

MoominJun: Yh
MoominJun: we were

CutieChenle: I'm sorry

MoominJun: ?

CutieChenle: I'm sorry for being annoying
CutieChenle: I'm sorry for being extra
CutieChenle: I'm sorry for not being good enough ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

MoominJun: chenle..
MoominJun: I never said I hated you -.-
MoominJun: you just assumed so

CutieChenle: o
CutieChenle: wHoOpS

MoominJun: but that did make me realise

CutieChenle: realise what

MoominJun: we have been drifting apart real bad lately

CutieChenle: ∧( 'Θ' )∧

MoominJun: so

CutieChenle: so?

MoominJun: you wanna hang out?

CutieChenle: OmG REALLY??!1!1??1!1!

MoominJun: yeh lol

CutieChenle: yay okay

MoominJun: :)

CutieChenle: I'm coming over to your room now

MoominJun: oke

CutieChenle has left the chat
MoominJun has left the chat

- 2: 29 am -

CutieChenle has joined the chat

CutieChenle: naegen neoppuniYA

CutieChenle: naegen neoppuniYACutieChenle:

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MoominJun has joined the chat

MoominJun: I give up on you chenle

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