Your Loves a Fucking Drag

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 WARNING: THERES GONNA BE CUSSING (You saw the title of this chapter.) 

Also I made this up to this picture, WHICH I DIDNT MAKE. I Don't know the artist, so if anyone does, please tell me!

Also I know this picture isn't supposed to be what I thought of  


 Thomas walked down the Darkened street, the only thing making him know where he was going was the Dim streetlights. He had his hood up, covering his face from anyone who would pass him by.

God, for once he wished he actually could sleep instead of stay up. It had been a month since he was turned, and he hadn't even Killed anyone. To his surprise, there was no urge to murder people at all. Maybe a small craving for blood but not anything that the Books had said.

He kept walking until he ended up at the old elementary school. He sat on a swing, moving back and forth. He was surprised he hadn't seen any drunkards here.

Alexander closed his eyes as he heard his father and mother screaming at each other from the other room, probably about how His father's infidelities and his mother's drug problem. Just a typical night.

Until his father opened up the door to his room and began making accusations on thomas. Alex's body shook, trying to expel the anxiety that just appeared. The long haired man knew he had to leave, before anyone could say anything, he ran past his father and mother, grabbed his shoes and Dark green Hoodie, and bolted out of there, not bothering to stop and put his stuff on

. He already had his wallet and phone on him, so he didn't need to worry about that. He heard his father yelling in the distance but thomas kept running, moving through alleys and streets to make sure he lost his father. He went down the the old elementary school and sat against the building, trying to catch his breath.

Thomas's head snapped up, seeing someone run to the school, the kid was running so fast he could basically smell the adrenaline from over here seeing the long hair flow in the wind made him think about a certain person he was fond of. He smiled at the thought of his boyfriend.

Jefferson decided to get up and go over to the kid, he looked like he was running for a while. After all, if this kid was being chased, he could help him.

As Thomas got closer, he saw it actually was Alex! He saw the shorter man look at him in fear for a few moments, then calm down

"T-Thomas... W-what are you d-doing here" alex stuttered out, it was clear to thomas that alex was terrified. And his empathy took over as he embraced the younger boy in a hug.

"You know I don't sleep a lot darlin'. Now what's wrong?" he said in the gentlest voice possible. He kissed alex on the head, and could hear his boyfriends heartbeat go down as alexander calmed down.

Thomas bit his lip when his boyfriend didn't answer, but flinched as he felt his fang cut his lip. And instead of alex panicking, it was now thomas's turn, what if alex saw? He let go of the long haired man and kept his mouth shut, seeming like he was waiting for an answer

"M-my p-parents again..." Alex said, he noticed that once thomas let go of him, thomas was acting weird. He thought nothing of it. Maybe he was just being cautious of the surroundings. Thomas turned around and as he was looking around he said

"Maybe we should head back to my place, it'd be safer than here. You can stay the night too if you want" alex nodded as he got up and put on his shoes and jacket.

The walk to thomas's house was not long, but it was deadly silent, except the sniffles coming from alex from crying before. Thomas concentrated on retracting his fangs, but they wouldn't budge, he also started feeling a weird sensation in his mind, it was first empathy for Hamilton, then to more sexual thoughts, and then drinking his blood. Thomas was glad hamilton couldn't read minds.

Once they got to his house, thomas ran into the bathroom, telling hamilton he'd be out in a minute. He looked at his eyes. Good, they did not change while he was out. He opened his mouth, and yep, fangs... and they wouldn't retract.

Alex was lying down on the couch, waiting for his boyfriend to leave the bathroom, but he couldn't help but feel like something was... off.

Alex shrugged and got up, he saw the door to the bathroom was open, so he decided to look inside. He walked over to the bathroom hiding in the shadows of his boyfriends home. And hamilton was definitely not prepared for what he was seeing.

His boyfriend. Had fangs. Literal fangs.

Hamilton backed away from the door. He was in a home of a vampire... A fucking vampire. Alex knew if he ran that would look suspicious, so he ran to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan off of the stove. (it was cooled down btw) and waited outside of the bathroom.

Thomas sighed as he realized they wouldn't go away, so he walked out, deciding to go to bed instead of dwell on the problem. As he walked out, he saw hamilton there, looking angry, scared and confused at the same time, and what alarmed jefferson, was that his boyfriend was holding a skillet.

"Alex what are you...." he didn't get to finish his sentence, Alexander hit him of the top of his head, knocking him out instantly.

*Time Skip*

Thomas opened his eyes, he felt a pain in his head. God, how hard did hamilton hit him? Thomas knew instantly he was in his bed, he went to rub his head, but couldn't. He moved his arms, and realized they were bound to the bed.

He immediately started struggling, trying to get out, not particularly mad at hamilton, just annoyed that this man could tie a knot this well.

"Don't bother" he finally registered hamilton in the doorway, staring at him, anger in his eyes

"Whats going on Alex? Untie me now!" jefferson hated yelling at hamilton, but he knew hamilton wouldn't listen if he asked softly.

Alex walked over to Jefferson swiftly, got on top of him and stared him directly in the eyes, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"What were you going to do jefferson. What were you going to when I fell asleep here, drug me? Hurt me? Drink my blood." Thomas's eyes widened as he realized.. His secret was out, and he had no idea what Alexander's intentions were

"N-No! Alex you know me. I wouldn't hurt you."

"Do I know you? Why did you never tell me that you were a vampire? What else are you trying to hide from me?" alex saw thomas's eyes narrow, and he didn't want to show it, but frankly, he was terrified of the curly haired man.

"Alex. Untie me, i don't want to break out of this by force." thomas genuinely didn't want to scare his love, but he knew if he wasn't going to listen, he had to fight.

The longer haired boy didn't know what to say, his fear growing, he had no idea if Thomas was bluffing or not, he saw in thomas's eyes there was no signs of fear or bluff.

Seeing the fear in hamilton's eyes made thomas want to cut out his own, he hated scaring people, that's why he kept it a secret in the first place! His gaze softened,

"Alex... I didn't tell you because I didn't want to scare you, But I guess no matter what I do, you would find out"

Thomas closed his eyes, not daring to move. With a swift movement the rope binding him down was cut by alex. And not soon after alex was on the other side of the room, clearly not trusting his boyfriend

Jefferson got up, rubbing his rope burned wrists. He looked over to the other brunette and smiled sympathetically.

"Alex, I'm not going to hurt you"

"Sorry" Alex laughed awkwardly "I'm new to this vampire boyfriend shit" jefferson walked over to him and cupped hamilton's face in his hands.

"I'm new to the whole being a vampire shit" he smirked and pressed his lips onto alexanders. Once the embrace ended, thomas laughed "You taste like strawberries"

"Oh bite me baby." alex hissed playfully

"Don't give me any Ideas Hamilton."



it wont let me say its finished but it iiiiiiis 

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