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Soooo @Clio789 tagged me. MAH BAE 😂😘💜🌈
Also this is my first tag ever so Ayy look at me being awkward 👋

1) Story of your first kiss??

Umm, funny story. I went camping with my class and there was this guy who I'd been dating. His name was Tibo and we had been together for 2-ish months. So we had this huge campfire and we were all roasting marshmellows together wich is honestly one of the best memories with all my friends together but okay-on with the story. I normally always sat with my friend but this time me and Tibo were sitting together and it actually was cold outside so we were just cuddling under a blanket and I'd seen my friends sign things at me but I was kinda ignoring them? After the campfire I went with him in his tent wich actually wasn't allowed but-screw the rules right? And we had our first kiss there. And like 2 minutes later our teacher comes in starts yelling at us because apperently the whole class was looking for me because I wasn't in my assigned tent and I scared everyone shitless.. Oops?

2)The biggest decision you've made.

So, shortly after the whole Tibo thing after about 4 months we broke up and I realised I was a frying pan(Jk. Pansexual) and I started dating this girl, Sharon. We were 2 months into our relationship and damn let me tell you I'd never fallen so hard for anyone as her. Anyhow, she quickly started showing signs that she wasn't interested in me anymore and being with her actually started to make me feel anxious because I thought she was going to break up with me. 4 days before our 3 months I broke up with her and regretted it for months because I loved her so much and breaking up with her legit hurt me but it was worth it tho because it's now clear she was just messing with me and isn't even interested in girls~~

3)Biggest injury you've ever had.

Umm, some cuts I guess? Oh wait no! When I was still a smoll bean I broke my middle finger and now everytime someone asks me if I've ever broken a bone I just flip them off and tell them my story about how I was dumb enough to break my middlefinger. It honestly looks really gross now and my nail doesn't grow anymore :[

4)How many people do you trust?

Umm, I trust very few people. Like.. 6 maybe?

5)Did you lose your virginity and if so, how?

Nobody dies a virgin, Life fucks us all.

6)How many relationships have you had?

Like 5 but only 1 left me really heartbroken so idk?

7)What traits would you like to have?

Omg I would love to have a bit more confidence because I legit question EVERYTHING and ugh it messes with my head o.0

8)Where would you like to travel?

Well I'd love to just travel around the world a bit but I guess the places I really want to see are; Italy, Egypt, Greece, Brazil and just the entire United Kingdom bc ugh it seems amazing 😂

9)Plans for the summer?

Umm, get a vacation job and earn some money 'cus I'm broke AF, meet up with my black veil babes 😂 and just try to be healty ^•^

10)How many countries have you been to?

Idk around  8?? I haven't been around alot of places wich is why I wanna explore the world later on. :]

11)Most important people in your life.

Lmao very few. (Question 4)

12)Your last night out in detail?

Like in 'going out'?? Um, well I went to this party with my best friend and we got totally shitfaced and I remember her parents told me I could sleep over at hers because my mom would legit have kicked me out if she saw how drunk I was 😂 Also like I'm underage how did I got so drunk? Because I have no idea anymore. All I remember is legit losing my best friend and standing there hopeless just drinking, waiting until she came back and tripping over my own feet because I'm still clumsy AF and loving my best friends mom because she was so chill about it all.

13)Something you're looking forward to?

Turning 16. I can finally legally drink, buy cigarettes, get tattoos and piercings and just do what I want. Also wow I sound like shit while reading that^ but I swear I'm just a nice awkward potato.

14)Top 5 most played songs?

1. Miss Jackson-P!ATD (I'm addicted Istg!)
2. Wretched and Divinde-Black Veil Brides
3. Tear in my heart-Tøp(Tyty is the most adorable lil' smoll bean ever)
4. Another empty bottle-Katy McAllister
5. Sonne-Rammstein

15) what am I wearing?

Pj's. So like a shirt that says 'pizza will never break your heart' because true. And bootyshorts 👌

16)Last person you had a meaningfull conversation with?

My best friend but it was about something really random like we started with her brother&sister and ended with 'if I died right now, would you trade your mom's life for mine?' (the answer was yes but my mom fucked up my family so ayy no hard feelings)

17) Last time you cried?

Umm, a few hours ago, I had a fight with one of my friend and she said some ish that srsly hurt me..

18)The best thing someone did for you?

I had a fight with my mom and she kicked me out so it was 1AM and I was stood outside on the street in my pj's with only my phone and I was calling her and she helped my calm down from my anxiety/panick attack.

19)Something you're scared of.

Being alone. My mind can be a dark place when I'm left alone.

20)Worst thing you've done wile drunk?

I woke up in the middle of the night still semi-drunk and hid my phone for myself then went back to sleep. I legit couldn't find my phone for hours.

So yeah that was my first tag. Now you know a couple of my 'secrets' 😂 @Clio789 thx for tagging me lol I look like an idiot pls don't laugh at me when we meet up. 'Cus we will! We will! Very soon! Anywhoreee, I love youuu and We'll talk/skype soon 😏😂💜🌈👋

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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