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Davids pov

I wait in the car with Liza until the bell rings for lunch. I sneak a look at her while she's busy on her phone.

I have to say Liza is gorgeous.

I hear the bell ring inside school and we hop out the car.

"Wait until people start walking outside so it doesn't look suspicious," I say to Liza.

Four minutes later people start coming out.
We walk inside and arrive at lizas locker. She gets out a chocolate bar and I go to my locker and get an apple.

We walk outside together and find Gabbie on the grass with my friend, Zane.

"Hey guys," I say sitting down. Liza sits next to me.

"Hii," says Zane.

"Where were you in sport Liza?" Asks Gabbie.

"Sick." She says. She looks at me and giggles.

*~* few weeks later

Lizas pov

I'm curled up on Gabbies queen sized bed after school. We're meant to be working on assignments but there's more important topics to be talking about.

"Gabbie, why did you choose David for me?" I ask.

"I chose him because I think you guys would get along," she says.

"He's a really nice guy." I say then I hesitate. Should I tell Gabbie how I really feel?

"Yeah, I think he likes you," says Gabbie.

"What?! Really? Why?" I say.

"He always looks at you," she says.

"He probably looks at everyone," I say rolling my eyes.

"I don't know Liza. You should see the way he looks at you."

"Gabbie?" I say.


"I think I have a crush on David." I say.

Gabbie looks up from her phone and grins.

"I called it," she says laughing.

"You guys would be the perfect couple."

I feel myself blushing as I think about David and I being a real thing. But no he's just being a nice friend and helping me get back at my ex.

I think back to when David and I kissed.

Gabbies phone beeps.

"Zanes having a party tonight, we should go," says Gabbie.

I groan, "whenever we go out you always ditch me!!"

"Please!" Gabbie pleads.

I sigh.

We quickly touch up on our makeup and head out. We decided our outfits were good enough.

Once we pulled up outside zanes house we saw there were already about eighth people spread across the lawn and inside.

I get out and look for a familiar face among the crowd.

"Come on!" Says Gabbie grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.

I spot Zane, Heath, Toddy, Scott and David on the couches.

I smile and Gabbie and I go towards  them. Gabbie sits on one corner next to Zane, there is no room for me.

"Liza, you should sit on Davids lap," says toddy winking.

I look at David and he shrugs his shoulders.

I sit on his lap feeling uncomfortable. David pulls me up more and wraps his arms around me and I feel relaxed.

I snuggle up against Davids chest and close my eyes for a bit. "There Tyler," David whispers into my ear.

I get chills from the feeling of David whispering to me. I open my eyes and see Tyler talking to a friend near us.

He turns around and spots me. Tyler gives me the finger. I close my eyes again and snuggle up even closer to David.

diza // catching feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now