Love Me

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Johnny😎: hey Rara

Me💝: hey Johnny

Lauren💟: Johnny wait ask later y'all barely meet

Johnny😎: Ok

Me💝: ask what

MacKenzie💞: so he didn't ask yet

Maddie💗: don't ask yet wait

Hayden😜: Wait what was he going to ask

Johnny😎: you will see soon

Me💝: I want to know

Johnny😎: when the time is right

Me💝: fine

Maddie💗: ooooh

MacKenzie💞: I hope she will say yes

Me💝: to what

MacKenzie💞: the question Rara

Johnny😎: I will ask tomorrow

Everyone but Rara: Ok

Me💝: where do you live

Johnny😎: Lauren, Hayden, and me live in Toronto

Me💝: me too

MacKenzie💞: Maddie and me live in LA

Me💝: cool

Me💝: what is you address

Lauren💟: ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®

Me💝: I live next door

Lauren💟: even better for the question

Me💝: why, and I just moved here

Johnny😎: we know we were going to say hi tomorrow but why don't you come over

Me💝: on my way, be there in five

Lauren💟: hurry

Hayden😜: me too wait

Mackenzie💞: Maddie and me are in town we are coming too

So I put on

So I put on

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and leave.

"Mom I am going to say hi to the neighbors, is that Ok?"

"Yes be back before 10 if they let you, you may stay for dinner."

"Thank you bye mom."


So I go next door and a boy is there waiting.

"Hi are you Hayden?" I say

"Yes, Rara?" Hayden says

"Yes, Rara?" Hayden says

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"That is me." I say

Just then 2 girls arrived.

"Maddie and Mackenzie?" I say

"Yes, I am Mackenzie this is Maddie." She said pointing to the girl next to her.

" She said pointing to the girl next to her

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I knocked and a little girl answered.

"Hi Rara." Lauren says

" Lauren says

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"Hi Lauren." I say

"Johnny ended up going back to sleep, who will help me wake him up?" Lauren says

"Me, I have my ways." I say

I follow Lauren upstairs to Johnny's room. As soon as I get on top of Johnny and and start ticking him and he pops up and I get of.

"Rara you will pay!" He said

"Come and get me johnny!"

He started chasing me and the I fell arms around my waist. Next thing I know I am pinned to the ground and Johnny is tickling me.

"Stop, please!" I say laughing so hard.

"Only if you say johnny Orlando is the hottest boy on earth and he is mine."


"Then I'm not going to stop."

"Fine. Johnny Orlando is the hottest boy on earth and he is all mine! There happy."

"Yes. Will you go on a date with me Rara?"

No one looked surprised except Hayden. "So that was the question."

"Yes, Johnny Orlando I will do the honors of being your girlfriend."

"Yes." Johnny says before kissing me so passionately. I kissed him back.

"Wait how old are you I'm 14?" Johnny asked


"Ok good. When is your b-day?"

"2 days from now so on January 23, 2002." I said

"My birthday is the day after yours." J said

"Let's play some games." I said

My life is now great. But my mom is mean. But Johnny and my new friends make life worth it.

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