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This is just a collection of moments in my life that I've felt deserve a moment on paper (or on a screen). If this helps somebody, I'm glad. And if it's just a running thing in my own personal life, I'm glad. I'm doing this because I'm trying to manage my own recovery while dealing with a boyfriend no where near recovery. I'm with him for many reasons, which I will delve into in the next chapter. Can I sum it up in the starry eyed "I love him"? No. Not even close. But we'll get there. I've called this little ghosts because I consider myself into recovery, and these are the things that have followed me out of the depths of my depression, anxiety, eating disorder and toxic black mold syndrome. 

Let me tell you where my recovery began. I was 15, and my boyfriend had actually gotten me pregnant. So, I took all of my birth control pills at once and that terminated that. (It was only four or five weeks along, and was never confirmed by a doctor, only a drug store pregnancy test). And I was filled with remorse, anger and of course my (now worsening) depression. So, in a tragic twist of fate, I was crossing the street (without looking) and a car actually smacked into me. I broke three ribs and my foot. I spent a night and a day in the ER because my liver looked like there was a mass on it. Which, that was of course, terrifying. However, it was just elevated enzymes in my liver from the trauma. That went down and I was able to go home. This is the exact moment I can trace back to as the conscious decision to begin recovering. 

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