Enjoy My Book Covers

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With every fanfiction, regardless of its quality, is deserving of a proper start.

When I first started here on Wattpad I did start with a fanfiction, the first thing I worried about was the cover. Now, I'm not saying firstly stress about that but it is a key part of being able to draw readers in. Though most people joke of fanfictions being significantly lesser than published books, but there's always a chance of building off a fanfiction and getting it out there for people to see, and just bring joy to the readers of Wattpad.

So that's why I'm going to be designing fanfiction covers.

The rules are simple, I'll design a few here and there for different genres and shipping and popular fandoms.

I can take any and all request for a fanfiction or story or anything you want and I promise you I'll get to them asap. I don't have to know what the whole story is about but you might wanna send a little summarization just so I can get a feel for it and it will work out even greater.

I'll put in some samples and if you like them, they're yours. You don't have to credit me for anything, being able to partake in the making of great stories is all credit I need. Just do me a favor and lemme know when you've decided on one you want and I'll take it down.

If you're unfortunately interested in one someone's already claimed, I'll have to decline you but I can always make more.

Happy writing kids and I hope you enjoy my book covfefes


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