About the Author

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Well hello to anybody that decides to read this book, and thank you if you do it really means a lot. Now let's begin shall we.
My Name is Haleigh Styles. I'm 17 I live  Alabama and I'm a senior this year and every time I say that it makes me want to tear up cause literally what will I do if I can't go to school for 5 days. The picture above is me and Queen Vic, I absolutely love Red Queen and Victoria Aveyard like she is my person lol😂. MareCal is Endgame I will fight whoever says there not, Tiberius Cal Calore is the most precious thing ever and if Queen Vic hurts him I'm going to be very very upset like  I wouldn't even be able to cope with that. I also love ACOTAR, the selection, and ToG even though I'm way behind on that series because I just started it in on heir of fire. Well that about it I will update tomorrow and I hope you read and like this book which it probably won't be good but I will try.😂 See ya 👋🏼

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