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*My POV*'s been a couple weeks at the dobre house...still here...and everything seems to be arguements...we are all cool...well so I hoped...

The boys were filming their video for their new channel so they can post it the next day. I can tell it was a crazy one because they were gone so much...especially the twins...they acted so weird..

After watching the video...I knew behind the scenes something was up...trying to put only the parts they know people would enjoy (Don't come for me😭😂I love them all dearly it's just a fanfic)

After they were done filming and got off later in the day...I noticed they were...gone...both of them...

I was kind of anxious...they haven't been out for this ever...

The park wasn't that far from the house so I just walked. I didn't mind anyway because it felt like my thoughts felt longer than walk but everything in my head ran so quickly, I was already at the park and stopped suddenly in my tracks, getting back to reality.

Nervously as I fiddled with my hands. Kicking the gravel on the ground slightly and took a deep breath as I saw the boys standing on the field.

From afar it looked like they were just playing with each other, like the crazy brothers they are. But I guess I spoke to soon when they both started to raise their voices at each their, pacing back and forth.

They were arguing...

I slowly made my way there hoping they wouldn't see me...i was small so it was hard to depict me out from where I was.

*Lucas' POV*

As me and Marcus said goodbye to our beautiful fans on, soon after we ended going back to the park.

I wanted to talk to him about some things that I know he wouldn't want to tell em.

Knowing my brother, I know he honestly wants to talk too. What can I say...our twin telepathy is crazy sometimes.

I grab the keys to our car and drove off. Only hearing the sound of the engine and the sounds of the street at this time of time of day. It wasn't too dark.

We arrived at the park and got out.

Planning on just making more's and pictures to post later, we ended up in a fight...

I don't like when we fight..

Not with Marcus...

Especially not with Marcus..

"Yea. If she was here I'd definitely kiss her again..." Marcus said like he didn't even notice or care Lucas is just hearing this...

"Marcus! Bro...why? She probably doesn't even really like you anyway."

*My POV *

Me being clumsy, I already knew I screwed up. As my shoe snapped a twig in half they saw me instantly and just stood there. Looking at me. Wondering how long I was listening to their conversation and how I knew hey were here.

I slowly backed away. Wind blowing in my hair. Getting even chillier every time I took a step. Marcus suddenly ran to me and tried to pull my arm to stay

"It's not your's mine...please talk to Lucas..."
Looking at each other and Lucas in just those couple seconds of standing there I walked back over as Marcus followed.

I didn't know what to say to him. Or..either of them..

I just started fiddling my fingers again. Swaying a little up and down on my toes. 

"I..I-I...I-i'm so..." I couldn't even finish. Lucas just walked forward and wrapped me in his arms right. He was so warm. But I felt so bad Marcus was still here. I just accepted the hug and stood there hugging him for a little while longer

"It's's's not your fault." He said

Lucas rubbed my back softly and I let out a big giant sigh of relief, being able to relax in this moment at least.

We broke the hug and as I backed away slowly, smiling a little and looked at the ground and back at him and he did the same, running his hand through the back of his neck and through his hair

"Let's go home. It's getting cold." Lucas said in his raspy voice.

"We'll be over in a few I just want to tell Marcus something real quick."

Lucas nodded his headed and started to head back to the car and as he did I gave Marcus a quick hug and he quickly received it, letting his smile creep up quickly on his face. I kissed his cheek and smiled back to him as well  "Thank don't know how much this means to me.."

"If it means sacrificing something for my brother I'll do anything. Especially for you." He said softly and we both headed back to the car and we left.

Lucas and Marcus Where stories live. Discover now