Day 1 'running'

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Day 1. July 16th

Today is the day. The day i run. Run from all my problems. Like a wimp.

But if i dont run, i will die. And thats the only other option. Sadly i joined this gang after i ran away from home.

HI mom! Im going away for a while so dont worry. Ill be fine.

i hope

2 Hours later

I have gathered enough food to last for 3 days. Im now walking out the door. i hope to survive. I will be going to the North Carolinian forest. its not my first option, but i don't have enough money to leave the country.

I pulled my iPhone out and put on strong by one direction.

I was walking until I reached the first safe house.

I set up 50 safe houses for each day. I mean I was running from the best gang in America! The shades. I named them that because we always hid in the shadows.

We all had a tattoo of a S with dream-shade circling it.

I set the food in the cabinet. I laid my sleeping bag down. after that I went to sleep. I will never forget what happened to make me run away.

Current time

I put my pen down with my bruised and callused hands and turned off the light.

I stared out of the window and saw a black van in my driveway.

I turned and ran out of the back door not looking back.

My wrinkled feet wouldn't take me far.

I was too old for that.

I was captured and taken to a old house just a small ways away from my house.

The windows were barred and dusty. so I got up and traced 'help' in the dust and hoped for the best.

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