Almost Lover

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Hoseok grinned as he sat down in front of his computer, calling someone before he began. His fingers tapped impatiently as he heard the rings.

"Annyeong?" Jungkook finally picked up. Hoseok heard the other five in the background.

"Hey, have you guys watched (Y/N)'s new MV, yet? I was just about to watch, but I wanted to know if you guys had."

"Um, I haven't," Jungkook responded. "I don't think the others have, either, but I could get my laptop and we'll watch. I didn't even know she had released it, yet."

Hoseok chuckled. "Well, she's my girlfriend, of course she told me first."

"Whatever, hyung," Jugkook scoffed with a smile. "I'll hang up and get the others to watch, okay? Bye!"

Hoseok set his phone on his desk, looking at the video on his screen. With a deep sigh, he clicked it, making it go fullscreen on his laptop.

The music started almost immediately, a soft piano ringing around Hoseok's room. He saw many dancers, all in a male-female pair. The men all wore pure white T-shirts and sweatpants, whereas the women all wore a white dress that just reached their knees and was very slightly poofy.

He realized soon that the only dancer with no partner was (Y/N), making him wonder what type of song this would be. His mind stopped when she started to sing.

"Your fingertips across my skin, the palm trees swaying in the wind. Images." (Y/N)'s beautiful voice made Hoseok grin. It had been so long since he heard her sing.

"You sang me Spanish lullabies, the sweetest sadness in your eyes. Clever trick."

Hoseok noticed that she was performing the same dance as the women in the background, only partner-less.

"Well, I'd never want to see you unhappy. I thought you'd want the same...for me."

The pained expression on her face made Hoseok's heart ache, even though he knew she was only acting.

"Goodbye, my Almost Lover. Goodbye, my hopeless dream. I'm trying not to think about you. Can't you just let me be?" At that point, she stopped imitating the others, wrapping her arms around herself and letting a tear fall.

Suddenly, she was dancing again. "So long, my luckless romance. My back is turned on you. Should've known you'd bring me heartache; Almost Lovers always do."

The music took on a slightly different approach, but it still had the same heart-wrenching effect.

"We walked along a crowded street. You took my hand and danced with me. Images." She sent a longing look at one of the couples, then continued.

"And when you left, you kissed my lips. You told me you would never ever forget these images! No."

She stood still, looking down. "I'd never want to see you unhappy. I thought you'd want the same...for me."

She spun into dancing again, following the steps of the girls behind her with fervor. "Goodbye, my Almost Lover. Goodbye, my hopeless dream. I'm trying not to think about you. Can't you just let me be?"

She made a motion of pushing someone, which was not what the others did, but she went back to the same dance immediately afterwards.

"So long, my luckless romance. My back is turned on you. Should've known you'd bring me heartache; Almost Lovers always do."

In a new frame, she stood in the center of the room with the pairs dancing around her. She didn't dance with them, only sang and made motions.

"I cannot go to the ocean, I cannot drive the streets at night, I cannot wake up in th morning without you on my mind!"

She began falling to her knees as the girls came closer. "So you're gone and I'm haunted, and I'll bet you are just fine."

She could no longer be seen, but she held her hand up in a reaching manner. "Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?"

Her hand dropped slowly. When it was all the way down, the girls split, showing (Y/N) now in a black dress like the one before, whereas the girls still had white as they danced.

(Y/N) merely sat with her knees up to her chin as she sang.

"Goodbye, my Almost Lover. Goodbye, my hopeless dream. I'm trying not to think about you. Can't you just let me be?" She looked at the white dress she had before, lying on the ground, and kicked it away.

"So long, my luckless romance. My back is turned on you. Should've known you'd bring me heartache; Almost Lovers always do."

Hoseok took the video from fullscreen, letting his mouse slide over to click the like button. Sighing, he closed his laptop and flopped onto his bed, waiting for his girlfriend to get home.

As if by a miracle, he heard the door open, followed by the shout of "I'm home!" Hoseok sprang out of bed, bolting downstairs to meet his girlfriend.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled with his unrivaled energy, pulling her into a huge hug. "I just watched Almost Lover and you did so good! I just about cried!"

She smiled softly, pulling away from Hoseok to set her purse on the couch. "I don't know, we were behind schedule, so the choreography and filming got rushed. We were supposed to be in a ballroom-type setting, but we didn't have time for it. The dance was also supposed to be much more complex, but I wasn't allowed any more time to work on it, so it was kind of crap. The video didn't go at all like it should have." She sighed, dejectedly making her way into the kitchen.

Hoseok followed her, his mind set on making her realize how amazing she did.

He trapped her in his arms, preventing her from walking any further.

"You wait just a minute," he spoke, mouth right next to her ear. "You did beautifully, jagiya. You don't know how proud I am of you. Even though it didn't go how you wanted, that doesn't mean it was bad. I loved it, and that's all that matters to me."

She smiled, more genuinely, turning around in his arms and relaxing onto him.

"Thank you, oppa," she whispered. "It means a lot to know you love it."

"I love everything about you, (Y/N)."

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