Those Boys

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Those Boys

"Those Boys" was a poem I wrote when I heard someone complaining about a bunch of young teens but hadn't even bothered to know their names. "Those Boys" is a call to reach out in love as Jesus commands us to do.


You've seen them already. I know you have.

They are the ones hyped up on energy drinks.

They are the ones playing Xbox till 4am.

They are the ones hanging out in the skate park every chance they get.

You know....those boys.

You get the idea...

They are the ones who push the boundaries in every direction.

They are the ones who live for an adrenaline rush.

They are the ones who you'll see in Hot Topic, Pac Sun or Zumez.

Yeah. Those boys.

They are the ones who seem to defy authority at every turn.

They are the ones who seem not to listen.

They are the ones on their cell phone or I-touch 24-7.

They are the ones who seem only interested in themselves.

Those boys.

They are the ones who call things like they are.

They are the ones who are tired of lies and hypocrisy.

They are the ones who will ask the tough questions.

They are the ones who want something or someone they can believe in.

Those boys.

They are the ones who are sometimes hard to love.

They are the ones who are tough to get to know and understand.

They are the ones who outwardly appear the nothing is wrong yet are sometimes crying inside.

They are the ones who act sometimes as if they don't want you around.

Those boys.

They are the ones who need someone to love them and give them attention.

They are the ones who need someone to take the time to understand them

They are the ones who need someone to stand by them.

They are the ones who need someone to be present in the moment for them.

Those boys.

God created those boys.

God gave incredible talents, skills, and abilities to those boys.

God has an awesome future for those boys.

God cares for and loves those boys.

So that leaves just one more thing to be said.....

Will you make the choice to pray for, stand up for, care for, take the time to understand, mentor, challenge, be a shoulder to cry on for and be present in the moment for.....Those Boys.

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