Story #1

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 Once when i was younger my grandmother was in the hospital for many reasons. Me and my cousin Ashley would go and visit her pretty often at the hospital. One of the times we went to visit her something... weird happened. Me and my Cousin went to visit her as usual but we got hungry and decided to find a vending machine. We asked one of the workers at the hospital where one was and she told us where to go. The only problem with where the vending machine was located was that it was on the same floor that the morgue was on. We didn't know at the time but once we got down there we soon found out. We got onto the elevator and headed down to the floor that the vending machine was on and then started down the hallway. The woman told us to go down the hallway and make a right and keep going down to the end of the hallway. When we got to the end of the first hallway we seen a sign that read "Morgue that way" pointing to the right. We were a little spooked seeing that was the way we were told to go but decided that nothing weird would happen, at least... that was until we seen a man further down the hallway. The man seemed to be a patient but why would a patient be all the way down there? The man seemed to be looking directly at us but he didn't move. I don't even think he blinked. After calling out to the man and getting no response we began feeling even more uneasy than before. We stopped dead in our tracks once we seen the man begin to start walking towards us. This was when my heart dropped down into my stomach. We stood there in fear as the man started walking faster and soon began running towards us. Me and my cousin bolted back to the elevator luckily got there before the man could catch up. The scariest part of this experience was the fact that the man didn't turn down the hallway with the elevator there... he just stood at the end of the hallway... smiling and waving slowly at me and my cousin as the elevator closed...  When we got back, the same woman who gave us directions apologized for not telling us that the morgue was down there. We were clearly shaken up but told her that we were fine and it was okay. We left the hospital that day still not knowing what the man was doing down there. All I know is that I will never go back to that floor of that hospital ever again. I rarely visited my grandma after that due to the weird occurrence. My grandmother died shortly after this and I haven't been back to that hospital since.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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